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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2008
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Alright. I need some advice.

So there is this girl in my class, right? Lets call her Fatard (I hate this chick). And her mom, lets call her Insane :) . Well, Fatard and I are not the best of friends. She despises me. Well, we fight all the time.

But she wont stop harrassing me. She wont leave me alone, and people accuse my of bullying her. And has my pictures and refuses to give them back. And her mom always looks at my facebook page, even though I'm not friends with her on facebook. I'm accused of being a bully and get in trouble all the time. And, when I do something evem remotly wrong, she tells my mom or the principal.

But what hurts the most is that she won't leave my mom alone. I know my mom always says she is okay and doesn't believe them, but she has been so sad since the divorce, and she doesn't need Fatards mom calling 24/7. I feel so bad, I try not to get in fights, but she is asking for it. She has a picture of me with devil horns in her locker, but I couldn't take it out because I don't know the combination. I don't want to make my mom so dissapoited anymore. I have always been viewed as this horrible problem child, and I hate it! I'm blamed for everything! I don't want to talk to the teacher about it because I don't want my friends to be called into question or something stupid. I used to love school, and now its hell. I try to keep in mind that it isn't a big deal, but Fatard has the school on her side, so id I slip up again, I get in trouble. I need help before I become some depressed emo.


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Kittieh, you don't deserve this D:

Honestly, tell someone.I'm serious, she has some issues.Try your principal, one of your teachers, parents or someone you could trust.

-Sugary :)

I've just been through something very similar. D':

Apart from my Fatard went to the councelor to say I'm bullying her, which made me hit rock bottom.

I went through so much, I don't even want to explain how horrible my life got, and by the sounds of it, if you don't go to someone it's going to get like that for you too.

I really regret not going to the councelor or somebody, because my life was hell and they could of helped. So please, I beg you, go to somebody about it because it'll only get worse if you leave it.

I really do try to avoid her, I just wish she would do the same. Principal won't listen, she says if it if braught up to her again I get detention. Sooo.... But, My teacher understands. A little, but nothing is really being done about it. I do go to a councler, but I don't like her. My mom understands, but I don't want her to get into anymore fights with Fatards mom.


Tell her "I hope you didn't fill up on lunch, BECAUSE I HAVE TWO KNUCKLE SANDWICHES RIGHT HERE FOR YA"That'll help
Wudifaicudbutaicant. xD

Even if you don't like your counsellor you could tell him/her what you have told us and ask their advice on what you should do about it - even give them an example and ask what they recommend you should do in this situation:

She has a picture of me with devil horns in her locker, but I couldn't take it out because I don't know the combination
Use your counsellor to help you deal with this girl.

TamaMum is right, even if you dislike your councellor, you should talk to them, because it's their job to solve these sorts of problems. If your principal doesn't believe you, it's the only thing really to do.

Also, if she is directly bullying you, just calmly respond (if you can think of a witty comeback that is indirectly insulting, then by all means use it xD) but whatever you do, don't let her make you angry or upset, because that's what bullies feed off of; you don't want to give them the satisfaction. If at all possible, ignore her and stay away from her, because it will do more harm than good.

I hope your councellor helps you fix this problem. Good luck.

TamaMum is right, even if you dislike your councellor, you should talk to them, because it's their job to solve these sorts of problems. If your principal doesn't believe you, it's the only thing really to do.
Also, if she is directly bullying you, just calmly respond (if you can think of a witty comeback that is indirectly insulting, then by all means use it xD) but whatever you do, don't let her make you angry or upset, because that's what bullies feed off of; you don't want to give them the satisfaction. If at all possible, ignore her and stay away from her, because it will do more harm than good.

I hope your councellor helps you fix this problem. Good luck.
I'm not sure if she falls under a bully, but she really wont leave me alone. Maybe she would fall under "annoying as ***t?"

Honestly, you might not like the idea of telling teachers and counsellor about this sort of thing, but that's exactly how this girl wants you to feel.

If she makes you think that you've got noone to go to, she's practically untouchable, and she'll be able to get away with continuing with what she's doing to you.

And this behavior makes her a bully, as TamaMum said.

So don't be afraid to let it out on teachers, principals and counsellers. It's their job to be able to figure these things out.

And until everything has been seen to, just don't react to anything this girl does to aggrevate you in front of her, it's what she wants. If you don't show that she's getting to you, she won't see any reason to continue.

Hope this helps even a little bit..

Good luck x

Honestly, you might not like the idea of telling teachers and counsellor about this sort of thing, but that's exactly how this girl wants you to feel.If she makes you think that you've got noone to go to, she's practically untouchable, and she'll be able to get away with continuing with what she's doing to you.

And this behavior makes her a bully, as TamaMum said.

So don't be afraid to let it out on teachers, principals and counsellers. It's their job to be able to figure these things out.

And until everything has been seen to, just don't react to anything this girl does to aggrevate you in front of her, it's what she wants. If you don't show that she's getting to you, she won't see any reason to continue.

Hope this helps even a little bit..

Good luck x
Thank you all for your advice.

But the principal wont understand and my teacher already knows.

My councler couldn't do anything about it, either. I'm stuck

Well, this must be hard for you. :[

you should try Help Phones. You need to tell your principal, he/she has to understand. She is bulling you, your not the one bullying her. Does she say any mean things to you on facebook? Does her mother? You should talk to her mother about it, too.

I suggest talk to your principal or a trusted teacher. Maybe you could even talk to another family member who is older and maybe has authority. In the meantime, if she snaps at you or does something to try and get you in trouble, hold your head high and don't let her get to you. I know from personal experience. I spoke to my friends and they helped me. You just ignore her, and if thats not possible, don't let her get you upset. Hold your chin up and say "You know what? I don't really care", and just walk off. But don't say it if it won't make sense. Only if she makes a comment about you or your family. Make a mantra that you can say in your head when she is upsetting you. Something like "I don't deserve this. I have done nothing wrong" and just say over and over again in your head. Remember you have done nothing wrong and don't deserve this.

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