Hannah Montana Movie!


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So what if I do not want negative posts? If you have a problem, like you hate the show, back away from this topic. I wanted only hannah montana fans posting in this topic.


While you must accept the fact that people have the right to post negative answers in your topics...it's also not entirely necessary to enter a topic just to post something negative about it. I'm not insisting that anyone is doing that in this topic, I have seen it happen, and I can imagine it would be disheartening for the topic creator. Let's just share our positive/negative ideas kindly and be mature about it. :)

Please read the quoted post by Aubrey. As tamatalkers we do have a right to say we don't like Hannah Montanna. If you really have a problem about that please PM a guide and you can get more reasons why but for now negative comments are welcome in ALL topics.

It was inevitable really. Disney is really cashing in on the Hannah Montana thing - it's been a hit for them. I personally can't stand the show - Lilly Allen, quite frankly, is one of the most untalented and obnoxious actresses I have ever seen. Billy Ray Cyrus will always live in my mind as "that one dude who sang "Achey Brakey Heart" and is therefore pretty washed up in my eyes. Miley is really just another zombie popstar that Disney just seems to manufacture these days.

Oh well, not even a Hannah Montana movie is worse than a Bratz movie.

[SIZE=14pt]I know Aubrey is right.[/SIZE] I am saying I do not want negative posts in this topic. My parents aren't allowing me on anymore because of it now. That is why I warned, and now, my parents wish they could not see me on it anymore, and are blocking it tomorrow if I cannot get rid of the posts. Unless I have a convincing way, I might as well say good bye to TT.
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[SIZE=14pt]I know Aubrey is right.[/SIZE] I am saying I do not want negative posts in this topic. My parents aren't allowing me on anymore because of it now. That is why I warned, and now, my parents wish they could not see me on it anymore, and are blocking it tomorrow if I cannot get rid of the posts. Unless I have a convincing way, I might as well say good bye to TT.
None of us want you to leave so I am sorry if you do...

No negative posts people! Aubrey is right.


That's so exciting. Mitchel said there would be more episodes, though, first. I think it would be on TV. It doesn't seem like a likely thing to be in the movies. I wonder what it would be about.

No negative posts people! Aubrey is right. 

That's so exciting. Mitchel said there would be more episodes, though, first. I think it would be on TV. It doesn't seem like a likely thing to be in the movies. I wonder what it would be about.
Mitchel said, "Hannah Montana has just signed on to 33 more episodes (another season),"

Miley has said, "My dad (billy ray) has gotten the producing rights to produce a hannah montana movie,"

Those were both in interviews with the cast.

He said that during the premier of the Robinson's movie and that was awhile ago. They probably already made some of them.

they probably are thinking about it, but might not do if the third is that bad.

[SIZE=7pt]My friend and I were in school and, we read it in the newspaper. We were shocked. I was shocked hate, and she was shocked with joy XD[/SIZE]

vanessa and zack might not be doing hsm 3. there is an arcitcle in a paper i read. btw, if your friend likes hannah montana, why would you destroy her phone? wouldn't you be a GOOD friend and try to like it?

[SIZE=14pt]Vanessa was fired because of her bad pictures online.[/SIZE] That means HSMs 3,4, and 5 will not include her! I am glad Disney took a stand about this. Who would want to see a movie with an inappropriate- minded girl in them?
vanessa and zack might not be doing hsm 3. there is an arcitcle in a paper i read. btw, if your friend likes hannah montana, why would you destroy her phone? wouldn't you be a GOOD friend and try to like it?
Because Hannah Montana is horrible. I'd do the same thing if my friend did that.

Why can't people remember to keep their posts friendly and helpful... avoiding confrontations? :(

Since no one seems able to stick to the posted suggestion that any negative or positive comments are kept polite / friendly... and this topic is veering off topic....


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