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this is roleplay not a group hatch, so will an administrator move this to roleplay? If you do not know what a group hatch is, read "what is a group hatch?" because this is not an example of a group hatch. Thanks! :(

How do i join and how the heck do we now when to hatch our tamagotchi's, anyway PM me so i can join.

This is good but somebody should move this because this is not a group hatching.

This is the owner speaking and this should not be in role play.it is just fine where it is at thank you very muck.oh yes and thank you for who eva said that they liked :D i like him too. aint she so cute.

but you know the sad thing is that she is dead. so goodbye :(

hannah and thank you for thinking this place is interesting.i love this place and i hope that you love it too and decide to keep this place open.

Here is a thing that yall can do to help me keep this place open [SIZE=21pt]Do not spam!!! please and thank you!!! [/SIZE] :wacko: :wacko: :lol: :lol: :lol: lol

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That's not nice!! I find it very interesting!! Ally was adorable

I agree! How would YOU like it if someone said YOUR group hatching was dull? Not nice is it? So if you don't have anything nice to say then keep your mouth SHUT!

:D I;ve never done anything like this before. What do I do?

If you want to know real life tamagotchis, I have ones that are o years old. They are both boys, and both :kuribotchi:s right now. One is named Kio and one is Leo.

So what types of things do I do in group hatchings? :angry:

this should not be in role play thank you very much for likeing this topic.

thank u tama queen that is . bi

this has been a message from hannah jane and i hope that yall enjoyed it.

Okay,I understand why you do not want it in Role Play, but this should not be in Group Hatchings because this is not a group hatching. It should be at least moved to NonTamaTalk or Whats on Your Mind.

You know, you don't need to keep posting to keep this thread alive!

Just invite people! This might come in the catorgory of spam, I'd be careful if I were you! You don't want to get more bad karma!!!!


Hey! I have an Androtchi, :wacko: :wacko: boy, named Ash....and I think he's smokin'.... It's hard to tell, anyways, he'll be ready soon :)

Wow, this place is dead ! It's been like a year since anyone has posted on here. Hahah


= ]

Anyone want to tallllk ?

Okay, over half of this topic is spam, and it's old anyway.

It does seem to me that it should be in Role Play. To my knowledge, group hatchings are for hatching real Tamagotchi's, not making them up.

And bumping topics from a year ago really isn't necessary.

It seems like you really want to talk to someone, and as the rules said, that's what TamaChat is for.

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