Happy snow day, and Easter!?


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Rocken Sisters

Well-known member
Jul 4, 2006
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I would like to wish everyone a happy easter but, After it snowing only slightly yesterday, its snowing very hard today. And its spring!?

It hadn't snowed this hard when it did snow which was in february. That was ashame, but Its a shock to see the snow today. I actually have a piccy of it from my garden (today)-


Any of you live in the uk, has it settled yet?

This is awsome, I mean, I've never had an Easter with snow. :furawatchi:

It's settled on cars here. A bit on grass, but none on pavement :(

I must get a picture. Who knows? It might snow all day! :D

Same, me with no easter and snow.

I think it might have been raining over night here or something, snow isn't sticking to the pavements either. ><

Yeah, its started snowing now. (Again) Which, I guess is a plus, but sometimes not.

I would like to wish everyone a happy easter but, After it snowing only slightly yesterday, its snowing very hard today. And its spring!?It hadn't snowed this hard when it did snow which was in february. That was ashame, but Its a shock to see the snow today. I actually have a piccy of it from my garden (today)-


Any of you live in the uk, has it settled yet?
I live in the UK and it has not settled where I am. I am going to make a snowman later

You're lucky! It doesn't snow at all where I live!Happy white Easter RS! :)
Wow, honestly? Snow is awesome. <3

Happy easter to you too.

Its not settling at all now. I wish it did though, that would be fantastic.

It did settle..x


But now it's melted all away :)






Best Wishes


P.S: Happy Easter, guys and girls. Hope you know it's not just about chocolate..x

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