Happy snow day, and Easter!?


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I take back what I said. We got totally owned today in Norwich, a few more centimeters and we could have been snowed in o.o
Yes... For that, I could kill you. xD

Everything has melted, no snow here now. D': Poor me.

Its pretty cold here though, I'm sure it might snow.

It's stopped snowing, although the forecast is more snow ;)

Although, I almost caught pneumonia today, I went out only wearing a jacket. So, I hope it doesn't snow, cause I'm not gonna use it.

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Its been like a snow storm round here now. -.- Its not settling thank god, I needa go up town today. ^.^

Those easter bunny sure aren't coming out! > ;)

I would like to wish everyone a happy easter but, After it snowing only slightly yesterday, its snowing very hard today. And its spring!?It hadn't snowed this hard when it did snow which was in february. That was ashame, but Its a shock to see the snow today. I actually have a piccy of it from my garden (today)-


Any of you live in the uk, has it settled yet?
That's been happening everywhere, RS. I live in the US, and we also have snow. It was quite depressing. Where I live, we acutally got a few inches. (o_O;)

It snowed here :]

I ruined my shoes...and my hairstyle

Thankfully we haven't had snow in a while. I'm so surprised that it's only March, and there is NO snow on the ground the right now. It all melted. Last year we had snow from October to April.

Thats a really nice picture

♥♥♥ Love Mrs Jonas to be ♥♥♥

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They say we will get MORE snow, too. We have the 2nd snowiest winter for our area and are 13 inches away from breaking the record.

I say, let's go for it. If we're going to have stupid snow during spring let's break a record or two while we're at it.

No. D: The snow came on for a moment, then faded.

A few weeks ago, it did, we had a snowball fight in school until 09:00am, when we went in and stayed in for SIX hours. D: I hate school. We were going to go play when we got out, but it had went away. D8

Excuse me for bumping,

Only on friday and thursday it was sooo hot and sunny I thought I literally get sunburnt.

On Friday night my parents watched the weather forcast and said to me, "Its going to snow other the weekend" I didn't believe that. I was absoloutly right because, on saturday it just rained and hailed. But we all watched the weather forcast that night and it said that it will snow in wales over night and it said it will snow near london (Where I am) at 11am. My parents said it wouldn't settle though, the ground probably wont be warm enough. So I wake up this morning and what do I see? So much snow its unbelieveible!


Hee hee - yeah - snow in London on 6th April - almost unheard of lol

I am guessing about 4 inches of snow fell over night - but the temperatures are above freezing and the sun has come out - so make the most of it. Even if we have a bit more snow today, I think it will probably be slushy or melted by tomorrow ;)

There wasn't quite enough in our garden for a snowman and a snowball fight (our garden is a small, city garden) - so the snowman was sacrificed and used as amunition too :lol: :)

Hee hee - yeah - snow in London on 6th April - almost unheard of lol
I am guessing about 4 inches of snow fell over night - but the temperatures are above freezing and the sun has come out - so make the most of it. Even if we have a bit more snow today, I think it will probably be slushy or melted by tomorrow :p

There wasn't quite enough in our garden for a snowman and a snowball fight (our garden is a small, city garden) - so the snowman was sacrificed and used as amunition too :lol: :D
The picture I Had taken is our garden which shows how big it is. (Thats for us, three children) :D

So I did have a good time building a snow man but no snowball fights, I had nobody to throw them at. xD

D: Its easter. I forgot. x_X My poor cousin will end up getting her basket late.
Wasn't it actually easter 2 weeks ago? Its just the holidays here. =)


i have just literelly come through that d00r. ive been playing in the now with my cousins; we made a snowman LOL!

my hands feel like their gonna fall off!!!! :lol:

im from the uk! :p

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