Hard life right now. Very sad.


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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2007
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Well this is a really long story and I will try to sum it up a bit.

Well about a month ago me and my mom and sister found out that my dad has been cheating on my mom. We have expected this for about a year. And when we found out, I almost died. I think it was a tiny little itty bitty bit easier for my other sisters because they all have husbands and kids. So they have people to go to. Well I dont have any one. And my mom was in a total mess. She practically shut down. I helped so much and I got my mom to come back up again. About a week later my dad came up to us and told us everything. See my dad is not very spirital he believes in Heavenly Father but doesnt like to prey or go to church. So he just hates everything. Well he has had some problems by looking at porn. But that day its like a total spirit came apon him and changed him. He went and talked to the bishop. And he has changed completely. I never thought I would see the day. So my mom said I will give you one more chance. See we had reservations to leave, and to move and all this stuff. Because he has cheated on her once before. But I wasnt born. So two times now. But you guys will never know how much he has changed. Its amazing! And I love him to death! My parents are so happy now. And everything is good. But the thing is everyone around town knows that he cheated on my mom so every one is being SO rude to him! *tear* And all my friends know. And everyone is treating me differently. I just need some help or tips on how I should handle this.

I know this looks long. But please just read this. It only takes a few minutes.

What to do is to just let it be, just say to everyone that everything is changed, and everything is also fine, and also tell your friends that if you have another problem, you will feel free to tell them and ask them for some help or tips.


P.S, I am soo glad that your parents are happy now! Really, I was very touched with this story! :) *tear*

What to do is to just let it be, just say to everyone that everything is changed, and everything is also fine, and also tell your friends that if you have another problem, you will feel free to tell them and ask them for some help or tips.

P.S, I am soo glad that your parents are happy now! Really, I was very touched with this story! :) *tear*
thank you so much! I really appreciate it! thanks so much once again!

Anytime! Just PM me if this works out, or if you have anymore questions!


Just tell everyone that they have no reason to be treating you any different. Say you're parents are happy now, and since it's really none of their business what goes on in your personal life, they should just keep their mouths shut. Hope things work at and I'm so happy your parents are back together!! It was really touching, this story.

Best wishes,


Stop the doubleposting >_>

Old habits die hard

The sad truth

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Just hang onto the moment.We know your dad did wrong, but he changed. So you've gotta beleive in his promise, that jhe won't do it again. And people act rudely to him, so what? Let them act the way they want but your dads a changed person. Hes trying to be nice, and trying to change but people won't accept it. And people at school act differently, like sympathy differently? If so, tell them that you don't need sympathy, that you just want them to act normal with you.

It's really good that's he's changed and that your all happy.

If people comment like your friends or people you know you should just tell them that he's changed and they don't know whats going on, as it's quite personal. And just explain to them how much he has changed and how happy it has made all of you.

Well it seems like they was just doing like Pity for you, and know very little about this whole situation. However I'm glad that every thing's fine, but you need to just tell them straight up stop treating me special, everything is ok, now, So could you please stop. I think your Mom should tell them also. So really it's none on their business to do about your personal life. Just explain this whole story you told us, and tell them to stop.

Well, anything you need help on? :puroperatchi:


thanks guys! Everyone is helping. Well some of you have asked me how are they treating you differently. Well some are kind of not talking to me, others are feeling sorrow for me, and some keep talking crap about my dad. I dont like any of it. I just want things to be normal and how they were. I know this sounds rude. But I am really pi**ed at those who do that. Its not my fault. And my dad is a really good guy. thanks once again!

Stop the doubleposting >_>
Old habits die hard

The sad truth
Well I was trying to keep my topic alive. So please dont be rude. You ovestly are unmature.

Try telling a teacher to make them stop. If they're talking trash about your dad tell them they have no right to and that it's none of their business. It may sound mean, but you have to take charge once in a while, you know?

thanks guys! Everyone is helping. Well some of you have asked me how are they treating you differently. Well some are kind of not talking to me, others are feeling sorrow for me, and some keep talking crap about my dad. I dont like any of it. I just want things to be normal and how they were. I know this sounds rude. But I am really pi**ed at those who do that. Its not my fault. And my dad is a really good guy. thanks once again!
Tell these people to cut it out, it's none of their buisness what so ever. If they continue talk to a counselor/teacher about it- they can help you, you just have to go to them. ;]

I'm sorry that life is so rough for you lately. :furawatchi:

Remember that none of this is your fault, and it helps when your family still has your compassion- no matter what.

Remember that even though your Dad has done wrong, he is still a person with feelings.

I am so happy to hear that he has changed his ways.

More than ever, he probably needs his Family.

I'm sure your Dad is a great guy.

All he needs is a little help.

Your story was very touching- Made me wanna cry.

Most of all, I wish your Family the very best.


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Well I was trying to keep my topic alive. So please dont be rude. You ovestly are unmature.
Actually your immature for keeping your topic alive by bumping, and you are most obviously rude for calling him immature, or "unmature" wherever that word exists...

Take all the advice people here gave you, we don't need to say it twice, not that I'm saying you all are.

Actually your immature for keeping your topic alive by bumping, and you are most obviously rude for calling him immature, or "unmature" wherever that word exists...
Take all the advice people here gave you, we don't need to say it twice, not that I'm saying you all are.
ur off topic. And y waste ur time being rude to me? I am going through a hard time plz just dont reply. thanks!

Guys u are all helping so much! I appreciate every single one of you! I am trying to do everything you guys are telling me to. And sure enough its helping just in this time.

Right, but it isn't right to bump up your topics to keep them alive. Just remember that, okay? Excuse me for being rude.

Anywayz, best of luck with your family and I hope everything turns out okay.


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