Hard times. I am me but its hard!


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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2007
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Okay so there is this girl in my grade my relaly tight good friend. And she is just so beautiful. Almost perfect (I know there isnt such thing but she is really close!) Okay so all the boys like her, all the girls like heer, all the teachers like her, everyone knows her, she is smart, athletic, pretty, talented. Here is her discription: Pretty long about 5 inches past shoulder length hdirty blond hair, beautiful clean skin, skinny, no moles, green eyes, gorgious clothes, and so much more! I just admire her! She can be REALLY snotty but still is really nice sometimes. I know that u need to be urself and love urself and be who u r, and dont try to be who u r. But I just want to be so much like her! I mean I try to do my hair like her, nails, clothes, ect. And it just doesnt work out on me. My description: Brown 3 inches past shoulder length hair with blond stricks, tanish skin, some moles, glasses, braces, tall, skinny, and everyone says I am so PRETTY! But I think I am ugly! Any tips?

You could try listening to some of those people who say you look nice. Or from some of your really close friends (like the friend you were just talking about), you could ask them, seriously, what do they think you could do to make you look a little better? Chances are though, even when you fix the things you don't like about yourself, you'll just find another thing you don't like, and that circle will go on and on. If you want to get better at sports, just keep practicing every day. If you want to be 'smart' (Just so you know, your grades in school don't show how smart you are. They just show how hard you try at your work, and how much your teachers like you. Really. Some of the smartest kids I know get horrible grades because they don't care about school, and therefore don't do their projects or homework.), you could make sure you do all of your homework and study for all your tests.

You shouldn't try to do exactly what your friend does, she may get angry at you for 'copying' her.

You could try listening to some of those people who say you look nice. Or from some of your really close friends (like the friend you were just talking about), you could ask them, seriously, what do they think you could do to make you look a little better? Chances are though, even when you fix the things you don't like about yourself, you'll just find another thing you don't like, and that circle will go on and on. If you want to get better at sports, just keep practicing every day. If you want to be 'smart' (Just so you know, your grades in school don't show how smart you are. They just show how hard you try at your work, and how much your teachers like you. Really. Some of the smartest kids I know get horrible grades because they don't care about school, and therefore don't do their projects or homework.), you could make sure you do all of your homework and study for all your tests.
You shouldn't try to do exactly what your friend does, she may get angry at you for 'copying' her.
ya. but I am as good at her as sports, and I am as smart as her. I get straight A's. I mean I am not ugly, dumb, and not athletic. But I ant as pretty as her! Life is so sucky when u dont like urself for who u r.

ya. but I am as good at her as sports, and I am as smart as her. I get straight A's. I mean I am not ugly, dumb, and not athletic. But I ant as pretty as her! Life is so sucky when u dont like urself for who u r.
Just try to focus on your food featues. (For instance, I don't like my haircut, the poofiness of my hair, or how it's wavy. But, I do like my hair color. And I also like my nose.) And, it it helps you at all, try to find something about your friend's appearance that you don't think looks nice. That might make you feel better, to realize she has some physical 'faults' too, just like everyone else.

Just try to focus on your food featues. (For instance, I don't like my haircut, the poofiness of my hair, or how it's wavy. But, I do like my hair color. And I also like my nose.) And, it it helps you at all, try to find something about your friend's appearance that you don't think looks nice. That might make you feel better, to realize she has some physical 'faults' too, just like everyone else.
Ya thanks I really like that advice. My mom gave me a talk about it. She made me feel better too. Well the one thing that is weird about her or not weird but not perfect is she has a lot of little freckles. And she is short. The good things about me is that I have a good color of hair, long hair, tall, tan skin, I take first in all the sports I play, I am really athletic, I het straight A's, I am smart, I am popular, I am nice, all the teachers like me, some boys like me, I am skinny, and I have a good testmony. Thanks Fluffums. I really appreciate it!

You are never going to reach perfectness so might as well stop picking on yourself. ;]

Even this girl who seems to have everything perfect has her quicks.

Try this; Write a list of all the things that you like about yourself. Or try to find a new compliment to yourself everyday and tape it to your mirror. The point isn't to become all obsessed about yourself but to give you more self confidence.

Remember, beauty is only skin deep. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting.

Just be the best person you can be and you are beautiful inside and out. :]

I feel that way sometimes, but God made us the way we are and we should be proud of that. Don't let her get to you.

You are never going to reach perfectness so might as well stop picking on yourself. ;]Even this girl who seems to have everything perfect has her quicks.

Try this; Write a list of all the things that you like about yourself. Or try to find a new compliment to yourself everyday and tape it to your mirror. The point isn't to become all obsessed about yourself but to give you more self confidence.

Remember, beauty is only skin deep. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting.

Just be the best person you can be and you are beautiful inside and out. :]
And I wanna add freckles are just fine too :D I'm not one who enjoys tanning since it's not good for you lol. But you just as pretty as her. Just think about how good of a person you are.

Yes everyone really has said it all! and it sounds like you are a very pretty girl! so u could stand out against her. don't copy everything she does; try a new hairstyle every day and wear your own style of clothes.

P.S. paint your nails CLEAR. that's really in at the moment!

hope this helps! :D

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