Harry Potter 6


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2006
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I'm looking forward to seeing this. Is it just me, or does Harry Potter keep getting cuter with each movie release? :lol:

You can see the trailer here.

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It was suppossed to come out last NOVEMBER.

I wanna see it Even though SPOILER HIGH LIGHT TO SEE

Dubledore dies.

Can't wait I am going with my brother it was between this and Coral we chose this and were getting Coral on DVD when it comes out in like 1000000000 months lol

Yes Daniel Radcliffe is deffinately cuter everytime i see him xD

I wanna see it so badly! I started reading Harry Potter when I was six, and I've been hooked since! I cried when they delayed the release. (I'm that into it!) But now it's coming out closer to my birthday, like with the last movie. Heehee.

I'm weird, but I think Rupert Grint is getting cuter every time. Daniel was cuter when he was younger to me. Haha.

WOW Harry Potter Rocks!! yeah, Daniel Radcliffe was cuter in the earlier films in my opinion. I think its funny that all great actor and actresses have been in it :p The sixth & seventh books are my fave and I have started readin them all again. :wacko: There are like 7 different trailers on youtube at the moment.

I've said before, and I'll say again. The films do not live up to the books. They cut out most of the story line. Who cares if the movie ends up being 3 hours long? Any dedicated HP fan would see that. This movie's a PG. Pft, yeah right, they're gonna get all the violence into a PG movie

EDIT: Oh, yeah, they're splitting the 7th book into two films. Which really takes the meaning of 7 books out. 7 is the heavenly number.......that's why there's 7 books

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I've said before, and I'll say again. The films do not live up to the books. They cut out most of the story line. Who cares if the movie ends up being 3 hours long? Any dedicated HP fan would see that. This movie's a PG. Pft, yeah right, they're gonna get all the violence into a PG movie
EDIT: Oh, yeah, they're splitting the 7th book into two films. Which really takes the meaning of 7 books out. 7 is the heavenly number.......that's why there's 7 books
Even thought I've only read the first Harry Potter, I agree. They took a lot out :/ and they do that for a lot of movies now. They take a 400 page book and make it an hour and a half long =/


I'm not interested in harry potter but my friend Kira is a big fan!!!

I need to show her this if she hasn't seen it yet!


EDIT: Oh, yeah, they're splitting the 7th book into two films. Which really takes the meaning of 7 books out. 7 is the heavenly number.......that's why there's 7 books
I think they're doing it to just try and make more money off it...

I don't care much for the series.

I wanna see it so badly! I started reading Harry Potter when I was six, and I've been hooked since! I cried when they delayed the release. (I'm that into it!) But now it's coming out closer to my birthday, like with the last movie. Heehee.
I'm weird, but I think Rupert Grint is getting cuter every time. Daniel was cuter when he was younger to me. Haha.
Yeah, I don't think Daniel is very cute either. Rupert Grint is soooo hot!! :eek: :D

I never read the books, but I watched the first movie.

It was okay I suppose.

I somewhat feel like Harry Potter is going to turn into a Twilight

[SIZE=9pt]^ Meaning...?[/SIZE]


I went to see it.


So funny. :p


They took a lot out of it. There's one bit I remember they took out - I'm not sure if it was in the fifth or sixth - but it was vital to make the seventh one work. :3


Daniel Radcliffe was hottest in the fourth film, if you want my truthful opinion. In the fifth they chopped all his hair off, and I guess in the sixth he wasn't bad.

But Tom Felton... Phwoarr. Don't get me started. :D

I've said before, and I'll say again. The films do not live up to the books. They cut out most of the story line. Who cares if the movie ends up being 3 hours long? Any dedicated HP fan would see that. This movie's a PG. Pft, yeah right, they're gonna get all the violence into a PG movie
EDIT: Oh, yeah, they're splitting the 7th book into two films. Which really takes the meaning of 7 books out. 7 is the heavenly number.......that's why there's 7 books
I agree. I utterly hate the movies, but I see them every time though.

The fifth one totally made me mad because they cut out the whole Ron being a Keeper storyline.

And I would completely not mind watching a three and a half hour long movie if they did book seven perfectly.

I just came back from the movies :)

It was a pretty good movie, though it was saaad.

I was tearing up real bad in some of it.. Some I found somewhat funny and some of it was just cool. In the cave part where it's all silent, there was a huuuge BANG, and I sort screamed. xD But it was a really good movie in my opinion. 8D

I saw HP6 last Friday.

To be honest, I was kinda disappointed. It definitely wasn't one of their best movies, & I found that it didn't relate to the book so much.

Although, I must admit some points in the movie were good.

Towards the end of the movie, Harry was like, "Well, that was a waste of time." (Or something along those lines).

& then I heard someone in the row infront of me say, "Well why did you make a movie about it then?"


I am looking forward to the 2 movies being released for the 7th, though.

I just hope they don't take too long to come out, because the amount of time we had to wait for the 6th was ridiculous.
