Harvest Moon: Island Of Happiness


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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2008
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Does anyone else own this game?

I just got it a few days ago. I'd say it's pretty good if you minus the fact you can only use your stylus to Navigate. I'm in year two; and have Elliot at a red heart level; Vaughn at yellow, and that fishing dude (I'm not bothered to remember his name) at pink.

I'm probably going to go with Elliot on this file, and Vaughn on another.

I have it but I haven't gotten far.

I think I just started Summer of the first year XD

I like it so far, but I hate that you have to build the barn/coop/etc.

I'm interested in either getting HM (Harvest Moon) or AC:WW, but I'm not sure which one! I might get HM though. Sweet Kandi recommended it. :D

I'm interested in either getting HM (Harvest Moon) or AC:WW, but I'm not sure which one! I might get HM though. Sweet Kandi recommended it. :)
Get HM! I have both AC:WW and HM and so far, HM is better!

[SIZE=9pt]I don't have HM, but it sounds really good! I'm probably going to buy it! [/SIZE] :)
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I now have 2 cows! Monica, who had Nina, who's pregnant! Yay!

And I have 2 chickens! The free chick died =( so I bought 2 more since they;re only 1500 G! I bought an incubator but I have to save more G to buy a couple more feeders. I can now make mony in winter w./ eggs.

Usually I'd HATE winter because I could never make money AND there was nothing to do... but about 4-6 eggs is 1000 G and since I have an incuator now AND another feeder (soon to get a 4th one) I'll be able to make loads of G! Yay! I realy want to upgrade my house and build a bridge to the forest!I really want some sheep!

Usually I'd HATE winter because I could never make money AND there was nothing to do... but about 4-6 eggs is 1000 G and since I have an incuator now AND another feeder (soon to get a 4th one) I'll be able to make loads of G! Yay! I realy want to upgrade my house and build a bridge to the forest!I really want some sheep!
Winter isn't bad if you have a greenhouse. You can grow stuff then.

But it took me a whole year (in the game) to get the greenhouse. It's 300,000g to build, and requires 5000 lumber.

Winter isn't bad if you have a greenhouse. You can grow stuff then.But it took me a whole year (in the game) to get the greenhouse. It's 300,000g to build, and requires 5000 lumber.
I have more important things to spend my money on! D=

I'm almost in Year 4! My chicken egg just hatched so I have 4 chickens and 3 cows!

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