Has a guy ever held your hand, or touched it? If so, how do/did you react?


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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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I'm just curious of how many people's hands have been touched by a boy. Well it happened to me. This dude (my friend) was helping me with a question in class, and his hand went on top of mine (I'm sure he wasn't intending to) and I totally flinched and had a internal panic attack! (but I didn't show it, and I DON'T have a crush on that guy)

That's how I reacted. How did you react if it has happened to you?

Well my guy friend touched my hand once. I didn't really show an outward reaction, since we're just friends. **glares at Ruby**

I can proudly say that I didn't fall for the "Can you hold this for a second" line.

But yes, I went out to a ball with a guy and there was incidental hand-holding because, um, we were dancing. He even mentioned "Oh, since we're going to a ball you have to let me hold your hand!"

Didn't think too much of it. Or maybe I did at that moment but no longer do.

well when i had a crush on sunny dash i held her hand for like 3 minutes in the car then never did it again.

Was on a date with a guy I seriously didn't like!

So we're watching a movie, and he reaches out for my hand (But sooo... slowly like poke.. poke.. poke..)~

He was hella nervous and i want to get out of there!

And I didn't know how to react so i just went with the flow and held each others hand for like an hour! And dang my hand was wet lmao

If only he wasn't so nervous though

It was my first date. With a guy I didn't like so I broke it off with him before it could get any further

The end lol

That first date story is pretty funny! XD Sorry about that, that probably was not a very pleasant experience..

It happened between me and my gay friend. We were walking to seven eleven and then he started holding my hand! I was like gasp! But I stayed quiet until I said: R u done now? He blushed and moved away. I felt kinda mean.
Seems like it would've been a little awkward, but that was pretty sweet of you to just roll with it ^_^

Um my school is coed so guys and girls mingle all the time.

We've had several dances and in those dances we were required to hold hands with guys. :eek:

So on a daily basis, we touch hands most of the time. Regular thing for all of us.

There was one time though, when this guy I like was paired with me for this short ballroom dance. The practices were awful!

He'd position my arms in the wrong way, he'd be all awkward spinning me, and gahh :angry: Our teacher made us perform the dance all over again-just both of us-because we kept messing up stuff!

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