Has a Little Kid Ever Sweared at you Before?


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He didn't swear at me, but he swore in front of me. There was this 5 year old kid on the bus and and some older kids were teasing him I think and then he said to them, "Give me a God d**** break! I'm only 5!" And everyone was like "ooOOooh!" I found it to be quite amusing. XD

if a lil kid EVER swears in front of me i will eat them alive! (thats an expreshion i use not on chat sites all the time it means they will regret it)

the youngest that has sweard "at" me was 8 and ohhhhhhhhh he was not happy he did! lol hes good at punching thow i can tell u that! ^_^

ok well here is the story

me and mi friend (his older sis) were just sitting there talking in HER room and her came in and just startd to curs(sp) at ME!!!! for no reason at all!!! it made me MAD so we got in a fight and now he likes me! weird eh?!

ok lol! ya! :pochitchi:

Well my first word was s**t. I was at a mall once and a little kid asked me for a chip and I said no and their reply was(WARNING: THERE IS ALOT OF BLEEPED BITS):

" you mother f**ker. Give me the f**king chip. your a uptight s**tty lil sl*t who dresses like a skanky h*e"

They were about 6 and their mum came over and apologized to me for the rudness and he began to call his mum stuff he called me.

Well my first word was s**t. I was at a mall once and a little kid asked me for a chip and I said no and their reply was(WARNING: THERE IS ALOT OF BLEEPED BITS):
" you mother f**ker. Give me the f**king chip. your a uptight s**tty lil sl*t who dresses like a skanky h*e"

They were about 6 and their mum came over and apologized to me for the rudness and he began to call his mum stuff he called me.
How does a six year old find out all this?

Bad parenting, that's what.

Yes, at me and my friends. We started laughing hysterically! :D

Yeah, talk to this kid at my school and youll know. xD (Younger Grade, Anyway)

A littler kid at my bus cusses at me for beating him on a video game. Younger than me by 1-2 years.


THEY RESPECT ME!!!!! :rolleyes: :p But then......i used to be a house captain so no one messes with me :angry:

No little kid has ever sworn at me. I agree with .::Snowy::., it's horrible when little kids swear. I've only heard little kids swear on T.V shows like Super-Nanny and some other show I can't remember the name of. I once saw some parents teaching their daughter to say the F word. It was disgraceful.

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Not at me, but at my friend.

She wanted to see her brothers friend's lizard toy, so she picked it up. Her brothers friend scratched her and said, ''You bi***!'' even though all she did was pick it up. o_O

[SIZE=8pt]we live near the ghetto (near, not in) and they ride my bus and it is so frustrating to see little kids swear and make sexual comments. sometimes i wonder if they are spoiled[/SIZE] ;)

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Because of my going to school in the Ghetto of Jacksonville, Yes, Yes it does. I usually call them something 10x worse. I have a bigger vocabulary if you know what I mean.

But if I ever heard a lil' kid using a sexual term, I think I would heave XP

my firends sis swears... welll she copies this guy who swears a lot...

she thinks it makes her cool....o_O

Yes, I've heard lot's of little kids swear around me, which is actually quite disappointing. They should know better. Somebody should teach them.

Yes! :mellow: ihate it,i wish they could mind there own buisness.They either stick there rude finger up or say the f word.But,my nephew's and neise's are so cute...they would never swear....i think.

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