Has a new school year opened doors for you?


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
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I finished my second day of school today, and I love it! We actually have air conditioning! I have a feeling I'll have to try a lot harder than 6th grade, but it's so much fun. So what if there's populars in my every class, I can live. Plus I have my eyes on 3 guys already... :) They talk to me all the time, and I'm so happy!!! But my teachers are pretty strict; I swear I have the worst pre-al teacher. They call her "the queen of homework" UGH! She said we'll have like 50 problems tomorrow! ON THE THIRD DAY! -tear- But my history teacher rocks. He told us ghost stories today, and he said that he was in the ocean over the summer and a seal was following him! How cool!

But on the bad side, my bus is horror. This is an example of what you hear when the seniors get on (please note, the curses are shortened): "HOLY FING SH, LOOK AT ALL THE LITTLE KIDS!" "F, THEY'RE SITTING IN MY SEAT!" :) Me and my friends just stay in the front where it says "kindergarten" xDD GO US!

Enough about me, how has your year started? If it hasn't yet, be sure to tell us later! :(

Good idea! XD I hate it when Kid's swear. It's so unreasonable.

I start in 7 days, but I'm not looking forward to it. :)

I may start a new school, but I'm deciding on whether I want to or not. :/

It's a very nice, new School, though. :) Lot's of friends there.

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My third grade teach rox! She gives us free time in the morning and after lunch, she tells interesting stories about her kids after every lunch time, and she lets us sit with our friends in class. But my class is into the date even though were too young thing, and boys keep asking me to be theirs, and I say no. It gets annoying, because they keep on and keep on! >_<


I start in 6 days, and I'm so nervous that it gives me a stomachache thinking about what the kids will call me this year. On the bright side, I get to see my friends again, and do school work. Heh, I like schoolwork... ^^

NO but I think I'll do fine... my school has a nice education and you'd find it very peaceful if you go early in the morning since its empty and you get to enjoy the trees and opened fields and finish your homework. Its just the kids that are spoiling our school :angry: :angry:

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I just started today, and I already don't like it. My science teacher is awesome, my french teacher (who I also had last year) is great! But my math teacher (who I had in sixth grade, I'm in eighth) isn't very good. I guess she's good at teaching and stuff, and she likes me, but she's annoying. Plus there's only ten kids in my math class. Now if I do badly this year (which I might because I'm in a hard class), everyone will know. Core is horrible (Core is a two period class of english/history.) the teacher is nice, but she gives tons of homework! I know kids who had her last year and say she gives a ton. Guess what? I've spent over an hour doing the homework she assigned us on the first day! Yearbook should be fun though. My P.E. teacher is really nice too. But I know that I'm going to have a lot more homework.

I start next week, I am not excited, I hate school. But lets look at the good things..

Well, me and some other people (not my friends, not my enemies) are the oldest kids on the bus, so we ride in the back, which I am tottaly phyced about.

New clothes. :)

A fresh start to be organized and accually do my homework.

There are so many bad things I can think of, but I wanna focuse on the positive..

I started grade eight in January (I live in Australia so the school year is different). I'ev had an okay year. I've had my occasional bad moments, occasional good moments and my usual every-day hyper moments. I've had my eyes on 2 guys this year, and I only just got over the first one yesterday. I've also had quite a few guys admit to having a crush on me, and a few people have friends that say "Oh, he likes you". I guess you could say school is alright for me.

Right, Tamtamkitty. I'm trying to stay positive, it's hard, eh? Despite the fact my school is 700% Drama, I have a feeling that I'll do better this year, there's some new Grade 5s moving into my school for 1. For 2, the grade 3s (going to 4.) come to my yard, so I might as well play with them? At least they're nice. ><

I'm starting fifth on Sept. 4th.... I don't want to, to be honest.

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