Has anyone ever bought a fake?


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Aug 18, 2006
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I was just wondering, has anyone ever bought a fake? I know they're not official Tamagotchis, but are they still fun to play with anyway? Do they actually WORK?

i got one and just sat there and did nothing but you could still feed it but that was it. :kusatchi: :ichigotchi: :mametchi: :angry: :furawatchi:

Have I ever! Back when V1 first came a few years ago, I bought one from Hong Kong that was supposed to be a "Japanese V1". It came in packaging from BanDai, and looked convincingly realistic.

When I got it home, though, it was the worst thing I have ever seen. It was a creepy little stick figure man that ran around erratically and wanted to fight other stick figure men. Ugh. It gave me the creeps. I never use it at all.

I also bought a "real, original" Dinkie Dino, claiming not to be one of those 24-in-1 kinds and I was so happy. It turns out that it was a 24-in-1 after all with a time cycle that speeds up constantly. I was really sad about that one. :angry: I'm still looking for a Dinkie to replace my old one that broke.

I was just wondering, has anyone ever bought a fake? I know they're not official Tamagotchis, but are they still fun to play with anyway? Do they actually WORK?
yes i did but its really was not a tamagotchi it was a pokemon toy after a day with it IT BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :) ;) B)

i had never bought a fake, i would only buy tamagotchi's from Bandai, i don't want to waste my money on anything that you don't know if its real or not, Bandai is real, and i just stay with them =o) :lol:

When I got it home, though, it was the worst thing I have ever seen. It was a creepy little stick figure man that ran around erratically and wanted to fight other stick figure men. Ugh. It gave me the creeps. I never use it at all.
Oh my God that sounds awesome. o_o If I had more money...

I also bought a "real, original" Dinkie Dino, claiming not to be one of those 24-in-1 kinds and I was so happy. It turns out that it was a 24-in-1 after all with a time cycle that speeds up constantly. I was really sad about that one. ;) I'm still looking for a Dinkie to replace my old one that broke.
I also want a fake Dinkie Dino 'cos when I was really little I had one and I wanted it back. So, I went on ebay and was looking for one, and I found this one for, like, one dollar and in my haste to get it I didn't realize that it was a "Dinkie Dinoa NEW! 100-1" thingy. Yup. So, it came and I was all excited and then I start it up and it's this really crappy thing with chickens and stuff. Hahaha, I was so mad and thought I'd been ripped off, but I finally found out it was my own stupid mistake and I've grown to love it. It's the funniest thing. The box is just the dinkie dino packaging, with minor differences; so it doesn't relate ANYTHING to the actual product, the instructions are in such bad English that you can barely understand them, and no matter what's wrong with it it has the skull over it like it's sick. Hahaha what's not to love?

My one is absolutely rubbish!!!!!!!!! U cannot even go to shop, u cannot pause it and loads more things that is rubbish. I bought it from a Chinese shop from China and it came in a two pack, it was about 5GPD (i think, if you don't know what I'm talking about then its five English/Great Britain pounds). One of its screens had a sign u know that mean "male" and the other screen a sign that means "female". On the outside it looks like a V4 but when you play with it it's horrible..

:) ------------------------------------------ ;)




Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........It looks so cute!!!!

I bought one THEY SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also have 5 real tamas

I've got a red 'Dinkie Dino' i like them, there quite like tamagotchies but they:

Don't connect :nazotchi:

Not as many games

No jobs or skill points

No gotchi points

No items

I must say i like 'fakes' as long as they arn't to bad! But i like tamas a lot better!!!!

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!!!

Before I realized there was a "virtual pet creed" out there, I had a lot of "fakes".

The most successful one was a pale beige one, that actually DID connect fine to another where you were supposed to raise different kittens. I guess you could breed ten different kittens from a tiny, neutral character. The problem with it was that the virtual characters were totally different on the package it was wrapped in. It was actually more whimsical characters, like tamagotchi-like animals, but the kittens were incredibly cute.

It was decorated with the same connecting tamas as the tamagotchi plus were in the Japanese version :blink: and I did not like that. I also guess someone who's spelling was not the best side had translated the instruction sheet, and I remember clearly there was a Mimitchi-character in the drawing of the toy :blink: . However, it DID change every 24 hours and the oldest one I bred got 25 years (days). The screen was the same size of a P1 tamagotch, but the pixels were smaller and better.

There were three games, Battle (it played automathically). if you lost, the pet got sick. jump rope (for girls) and jump over the pond (boys). Girls could learn how to dance and boys to play football. You didn't win points and there were no shop option, but when you won a game you won candy or toys. The cutest kitty I got was one with long whiskers and boots :D Other activities were reading and betting. It was pretty fun but a Tamagotchi is much more fun if there is no one to connect with. I had to buy two of these to make it any fun. They cost only half as much as a tamagotchi i think.

Knowing me, I probably will one of these days. (Cuz I'm really stupid at times.)

I did; though, buy some fake dinkie dinos a few years ago, I think August 2005. I thought they were real. They were fakes, I litteraly cried. (I was 7!) But even so, didn't take me long to become quite fond of them. I like the fake dinkies, I find them alot of fun. I had one started up, but I left poor Crescent in my Dad's car... And she died. ^_^

As for fake Tamas, I never have and probably will, knowing me and my stupidity. I'm actually going to buy one of those honey-lover things, or a fake Tama on purpose to see what they're like. Experimenting with fakes is fun. Like Pokemon Diamond and Quartz, or whatever those fake games were. They turned out to be hacked Telefang Power and Speed versions.

Yep I've bought loads. Usually from pound shops. They quite good though. Not as good as a tamagotchi. My friend also bought a fake JD and they jept insisting it was real until I got it and said "If it's real wheres the BanDai logo?" Then they realized it was fake.

When v1 first came out my friend told us they had them at Kerrison toys, so we bought them and it turns out they werent actual tamagotchis, just them 24-in-1 thingys that didnt do anything at all and you cant even name. snd the pixel things were huge! not as detailed as real Tamas.

Dont buy anything except Bandai originals I beg you! :nazotchi:

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