Has Anyone Ever Repaired a "For Parts" Tama?


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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2010
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This maaaaaaaaaaaay not be the right place for this topic, but it's about broken Tamas, so I think it's the best fit.

Has anyone on here ever bought a "for parts" Tamagotchi and actually repaired it? I like seeing people repair their Tamas on YouTube, so I'd like to hear your stories.
Specifically, what part(s) were broken, and how did you solve it? Did you learn any new skills while fixing it? Did it make you appreciate your Tama more because you had to work for it?

I'm interested in this thread as I have purchased a Tama that may or may not work when I get it

I've bid on some Tamagotchis I know are broken because I want to see what I can do with them. Hopefully I get them and they're salvageable. :D

I'm not getting them. I was outbid and I won't go any higher than my last bid...

I've seen those lots I want to buy them so I can learn to take them apart and paint the shells

I always wanted to but every time I bought one, it ended up working perfectly without any repairs. Lol.

So the one I bought that wasn't tested came with a near mint shell and in perfect working condition. This made me happy of course but now my Frankenstein Tama experimentation will have to wait lol

Can you really customise these 'Frankenstein' tamas and use V1 shell parts and V4 motherboards...? I'm guessing they're all the same size (the V1-V5 connections)...? Nice idea to repair broken tamas. :)

I actually got really lucky with one that I bought as when it arrived, there were a few bars of pixels not operating at all. I opened it up carefully, tightened and cleaned things up a bit and then it worked beautifully :)

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