Has This Ever Happened To You?


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Yes.. My sister does.. But she is werid.. LOL...

People at school do but I don't bring mine to school anymore, they don't

I think most people criticise what they don't understand... I take mine to work with me sometimes and some people say that it's a waste of time but I really don't care lol we all like different things :D My bf also thinks they are dumb but it's all good, I think his car obsession is dumb so we're even :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Dude i no just how you feel ive had my tamas for only about a week now and i decided 2 bring um 2 school..

( i seriously love those lil guys) and my friends think there a wast of time... tey think im crazy or som' cause latly thats all ive been talkin about, and they realize i love it but the still make fun of me! :puroperatchi:

All people who say tamas are wierd are just people who havent experiansed a tama!!! :ichigotchi:

My Dad hates Tamagotchis, he doesn't care about them at ALL! I'm gonna get him one for Fathers Day, then at least he won't be able to hate them as much... Just let people tease you. There are other people who like Tamagotchis here, you can just ignore the teasers and focus on people who like you for who you are.

*I have removed some of this post because I decided that it was a bit over-the-top. I went a bit crazy because I can relate that this topic, and I agree that it is a bit silly how people now get teased for having Tamagotchis*

At some places, there are still people who like Tamagotchis and understand why others like them! TamaTalk is a good place to start, I've been trying to encourage some of the littlies who I know like Tamas to join TamaTalk. Problem is, they can't write!

StarTama :rolleyes:

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yeh my dad thinks i act like im 3 years old with them(even though 3 year olds cant use them!) and my mum pretends 2 be interested in them, my sister says that they went "out" in after the 60's but i just remember that i can like whatever i like and that makes me fell better!! :huh:

Don't worry, that happens to me. I HATE IT! My mum absolutely hates the things; When she used to punish me, she would take it of me and later, I hear my tamagotchi get thrown

somewhere, (top of fridge, on the floor, in cuboard .etc). My fights with my friends were once about me asking them 'How's ya gotchi'. My grandmother took it for no reason, for a week. I'm not even allowed to take it to the movies!! It's like, as if I'm not allowed to like them.

PS My mum used to take the battery out on me!!


Hm........this should be closed? Been bumped badly. Binary's looking at the topic.......I'm guessing it's going to be closed. :ph34r:


PS: My brotehr calls tamagotchis gay, stupid, dumb, and he said he hopes all mine die! :ichigotchi:

My Dad hates Tamagotchis, he doesn't care about them at ALL! I'm gonna get him one for Fathers Day, then at least he won't be able to hate them as much... Just let people tease you. There are other people who like Tamagotchis here, you can just ignore the teasers and focus on people who like you for who you are. *I have removed some of this post because I decided that it was a bit over-the-top. I went a bit crazy because I can relate that this topic, and I agree that it is a bit silly how people now get teased for having Tamagotchis*

At some places, there are still people who like Tamagotchis and understand why others like them! TamaTalk is a good place to start, I've been trying to encourage some of the littlies who I know like Tamas to join TamaTalk. Problem is, they can't write!

StarTama :)
Acculey you have bumped this, I suggest it is closed.

I think it's ok that it stays open, guys. :) I've honestly never had anyone tease me about my Tamas.

Well, ok, once last fall I was in class at college and a Tama fell out of my purse. A rude guy that was in my class at the time made a stupid remark about it being "Too wierd for him" that I had a Tamagotchi, and I told him that it was just fine because I wanted nothing to do with him anyway. :ph34r: That's how you deal with rudeness about this kind of thing, get the point across that you really couldn't care less, and if you can do it with a "polite" smile it makes it all the better. :lol: Or, bringing up something that they're into is good, too, depending on the person and situation. They can't talk if they do the same as you. :D

I couldn't care if people do or don't like them. But, if they are so uptight as to ridicule someone just because they like Tamas...they are the immature ones and they are missing out big-time in the personality department. Be strong. Like what you like, and as long as you're not hurting anyone else, continue to do what you do. :lol:

:furawatchi: yea my mum alwyas shes going to put my tama in the bin.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and get so mad and i almsot fell like im going to cry!! :furawatchi:
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