Has this ever happened to you?


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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
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Portland, Oregon
So you're in a store, right? And you briefly leave your mom to show here something you want. You bring it back to her, but it's not your mom. It's someone else. And there you are telling her how much you want it. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Or am I just nuts?

Once. And once I went to hug someone but it wasn't my dad....LOL.

Once. I thought this lady was my mom, because her voice sounded like my moms. I didn't look up to see if it was really her, I just assumed it was. So I said, "Mom, can I get ___ , ____, and ____?" I looked up and the woman was looking down at me like I was crazy! Then she laughed and walked away.

It happened to me a few times. A long time ago I was following someone who I thought was my mom for a while and she turned around and started yelling at me...

Yeah, I went off to get something and I came back and some lady was standing where my mom was standing. So I'm telling her how I want it and she looks at me and says, "I think your moms over there." I smiled and said sorry, she took it pretty well. :huh:

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Yes. One time, my friend accidentally kissed his techer and called her "mom".

Yup. I told this lady 'The dogs, rabbit, ferret, and hamsters all need food, Mom'. She laughed, I apologized, and walked away. XD

Oh yeah, I also did yesterday... My parents made me go to an Antique Mall, and I mistaked somebody else for my grandma, and actually almost called her grandma. Then I realized it wasn't her, and walked away. I don't even think she noticed me, though. XD But If I would have called her grandma, she probably would have thought I was calling her old and insulting her. XD

Don't think so, my mom has a very distinct clothing choice and hair style that is easy to spot right away without mistaking her.

Maybe my dad, but not that I can remember.

I was in this store and I went off and found some bubba teath this old woman had the same shirt as my grandmother and I went up to her and said "How 'bout these for your dentures??" I was soooooo emberrassed (sp?). I said sorry and walked off. I think she was insulted because she really had dentures! LOL!!!!

Well, that's kind of happened to me. I got lost in Costco once, and saw some lady who I thought looked like my mom. I ran to catch up to her and walked really close to her side for about a minute. Then, all of a sudden, from behind, I heard my brother yell my name. And he was standing next to my mom! It was embarassing, but I'm not even sure if the lady noticed.

lol, once i was at school and my dad came to pick me up. At that moment we had a white car so i saw this lady in a white car who looked like my mom. (I was in first grade) So i ran up to the car and started to open the door when my dad called me and ask me what i was doing..i was so embaresd@@

Once. And once I went to hug someone but it wasn't my dad....LOL.
That's what I kinda did. When I was little and playing a game at

Chuck E Cheese's, my mom was behind me and I looked beside me

and saw another game I wanted to play. I grabbed the person's arm behind me and

dragged her to it, but I turn around and see its not her. She was very rude about it.

I told her "Sorry" but she didn't reply to that. She just walked off with a mean face

with her arms crossed.

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