Has this ever happened to you?


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2007
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Has this happened? When you are getting your first bits of feedback on something you're just starting to do?


I usually never sung, but a year or two ago (which is kind of a sad age to start singing) I started singing along with iTunes. So my first bits of feedback were from my evil sister. She kept telling me how horrible I was and that I should stop singing out loud in front of people. Of course, because this was my first feedback, I believed it. She told me that everytime she heard me sing. It was actually just her being mean, but she insulted my singing SO much, I never sang with people around. I barely sang period. Then my mom once heard me singing (accidently) and thought I was really good. Then I asked my friend if she thought I was good and I sang a bit, and she said I was good. So slowly, I'm gaining confidence in my voice, but think about it.

For about an entire year, I never sang with people around me. My sister insulted me out of singing.

And apparantly I sing well.

There is another example I have but I don't remember it.

Has this happened to any of you?

When I think about what my sister did, it makes me feel really sad T.T because she actually insulted me out of doing something I enjoy!

In fact, to this day, I'm STILL afraid to sing in front of people, although I practice singing when I'm alone or something.

EDIT: It's also pretty sad because if somebody has like, REALLY good talent singing or something, and has a career in it for their future, but they get insulted out of singing, it could ruin their chance.

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I used to sing when I was a lot younger, and after I watched a video tape my mom made, I stopped. Even though my voice has changed a lot and I sing.. Alright, I guess. I can't sing in front of anybody to save my life.

So it wasn't feedback, really. It was a video tape of horrible singing along to various nursery rhymes. :]

Well, my mom puts me down a lot

with writing and school and stuff.

"For your one successful brother, there is a million losers like you."

But, a lot of people think im good at writing.

So I dont really care.

Well, my mom puts me down a lotwith writing and school and stuff.

"For your one successful brother, there is a million losers like you."

But, a lot of people think im good at writing.

So I dont really care.
How can a mother possibly insult her child like that! :ichigotchi:

I'm pretty sure its her way of encouraging me.Dont worry, I dont think she hates me.
I agree with TamaSweetie. That's a HORRID thing for a mother to do or say. That is no way to encourage a child, and makes me really angry. Tell her bratztroxg says she needs to sort her attitude and parenting out.

Sorry, it just makes me angry. :p

bwahaha, i am constantly put down.

my step sister and step brother >_>

so mean to me.

that's okay, it's them who has no talent

i write- they cal it 'emo, suckish, crappy'

and my singing- they say stuff like 'star-wanna be'

and drawing- my step sis always copies me.

but everyone else i know adores my talents.

it's just those two who are mean.

because i'm not blond like them, and i don't like the things they do :D

Well I started drawing around the age of 10. I was HORRIBLE. People said I was pretty good as I put my first drawings up here on TT so I kept on. I got a little better. Soon I got people saying I was HORRID and should DIE. I rarely ever shew my drawings to anyone aside from Alexis. Or the Internet. I never did give up no matter how bad people said I was. Now I am one of the best in the school.

But I never sing. I can't sing worth shnitzel.

But moral: If you love what your doing. KEEP DOING IT.

Has this happened? When you are getting your first bits of feedback on something you're just starting to do?

I usually never sung, but a year or two ago (which is kind of a sad age to start singing) I started singing along with iTunes. So my first bits of feedback were from my evil sister. She kept telling me how horrible I was and that I should stop singing out loud in front of people. Of course, because this was my first feedback, I believed it. She told me that everytime she heard me sing. It was actually just her being mean, but she insulted my singing SO much, I never sang with people around. I barely sang period. Then my mom once heard me singing (accidently) and thought I was really good. Then I asked my friend if she thought I was good and I sang a bit, and she said I was good. So slowly, I'm gaining confidence in my voice, but think about it.

For about an entire year, I never sang with people around me. My sister insulted me out of singing.

And apparantly I sing well.

There is another example I have but I don't remember it.

Has this happened to any of you?

When I think about what my sister did, it makes me feel really sad T.T because she actually insulted me out of doing something I enjoy!

In fact, to this day, I'm STILL afraid to sing in front of people, although I practice singing when I'm alone or something.

EDIT: It's also pretty sad because if somebody has like, REALLY good talent singing or something, and has a career in it for their future, but they get insulted out of singing, it could ruin their chance.

Whenever I started singing with a band, all my parents did was laugh. They'd say, "Follow your dreams." But by "dreams" they meant doing something most people do, not singing.

I believe if anyone puts their mind to somethhing, they can come up with a result they're happy with eventually. :D

Well, my mom puts me down a lotwith writing and school and stuff.

"For your one successful brother, there is a million losers like you."

But, a lot of people think im good at writing.

So I dont really care.
Awh, it must feel horrible to have her say that. D;

Well, my mom puts me down a lotwith writing and school and stuff.

"For your one successful brother, there is a million losers like you."

But, a lot of people think im good at writing.

So I dont really care.
I'm sorry, Self:.:pity. That's not a nice thing for a mother to say to a child. Oh well, if it's her way of encouraging you then, well, okay.

Anyhoo, no. But I hate it when I show people my work and they say it's good just to be nice.

I don't sing that well to tell you the truth, but I still do it for fun. One time, though, I had a friend who'd sing on the phone and to tell you the truth she wasn't that good. Then she told me to sing and insulted the crap out of me. I didn't even tell her anything! She'd be like, "Ew, don't sing my ears are bleeding!"

[SIZE=14pt]My dad makes fun of my trombone playing, just because I am a beginner. (Did I post that?? :| )[/SIZE]

Yes. Yes yes yes, I can't sing, I know that much. I mean, I sound OK, sometimes...

So this girl in my class thinks she is SOOO good at singing, because she got into a play and I didn't. Well, she isn't really that good, actually, I think she sucks. So she was singing and I am just sitting there, not saying anything, then I start to sing, badly, I guess, and she starts insulting me and yelling "Ohh! STOP! PLEEAASSEE! OWCH!" and things like that, which is funny because a few minutes before that someone had said I was really good, so I looked her dead in the eye, and said "What if I don't want to." and walked away, still singing. I mean, I know I'm not good, and I admit it, she thinks she's good, but isn't, and tells everyone she is better than them. Enough said.

Then, in music class, she is talking about her wanting to be an actress, she isn't that good, honestly, so I tell my other friend, who was sitting next to her, that I want to learn to speak Japanese fluently, she turns around, and gives me a weird look and says "Well... Good luck with THAT!" as if I am weird? Of course, you know if you would EVER DARE say that to her, she would flip out and call you a bully, and cry, and get you in all sorts of trouble. Oh please, save it.

So, my answer, if you didn't bother reading that, is Yes. And I don't care. I sucked at drawing wolves, and people insulted me, but I kept drawing, and look at me now, the people who insulted me are asking me to help them draw, so I do, but still, I didn't give up, and I got good.

;] Reach for your dreams, kiddo's. Don't give up and you can accomplish anything!

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