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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
So everyone jumps on the posers. "Ohmygosh. You're acting like what you aren't. You're such a poser." Well yeah. Most people have been poser-ish at some point in their lives. I'll admit to it too. If you haven't... well, bravo for you~

But not many people really get upset with the haters. They bother me the most. They hate everything mainstream. Like Twilight. If Twilight wasn't so popular, I bet some of the Twilight haters out there would actually like Twilight. But since it's popular, noooo. I have to be anti-mainstream and HATE IT. That's just an example. This goes happens with other things, too.

Now it is perfectly fine to have an opinion and not like some things that other people do like. But those people who hate everything mainstream and shoot things down, they bother me to no end.

This was an issue that I think needed to be brought up. What do you guys thing?

Please no flaming in this, well, touchy topic. Don't spaz. Thanks. :D

I think people are just too obsessed with other people's lives when they act this way. I remember how irritating it was when I was in school and I had to listen every day to my peers sniping about who wore what today and how they try to act. I was never interested in being a part of it then, and now that I'm quite a bit older I avoid that same kind of behaviour among adult social group too. It's just ridiculous to be so catty and overly concerned with other's choices.

I just generally say let it be. Let them do their thing. If they want to dress "cool" or oddly, or quirky, or try to projct a certain type of persona.....so be it. It doesn't affect you or anyone else really, so why take such interest in complaining about the way someone chooses to look?

Well, most people get confused between 'opinions' and 'haters'. My opinion is, I just don't like Twilight, that's me.

Obviously, as Aubrey Hepburn said some people just do it to be 'cool' "Oh mah goshhh did you seee ____'s outfit? It's so eww" and so on, That's just obnoxious. I'm not saying I haven't commented on peoples outfits, but I'm not spazzing about it.

I still think people need to just get over it, realize they aren't the center of earth, the reason all was created, and deal with it.


Well, most people get confused between 'opinions' and 'haters'. My opinion is, I just don't like Twilight, that's me.
Obviously, as Aubrey Hepburn said some people just do it to be 'cool' "Oh mah goshhh did you seee ____'s outfit? It's so eww" and so on, That's just obnoxious. I'm not saying I haven't commented on peoples outfits, but I'm not spazzing about it.

I still think people need to just get over it, realize they aren't the center of earth, the reason all was created, and deal with it.

I agree completely. Some people just don't like Twilight. Perfectly fine by me. But when they ram their negative comments/opinions down your throat... then I have some serious problems with that person.

And that goes with any other thing.

There is a fine line between being a 'hater' and simply being strongly opinionated.

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Well, most people get confused between 'opinions' and 'haters'. My opinion is, I just don't like Twilight, that's me.
Obviously, as Aubrey Hepburn said some people just do it to be 'cool' "Oh mah goshhh did you seee ____'s outfit? It's so eww" and so on, That's just obnoxious. I'm not saying I haven't commented on peoples outfits, but I'm not spazzing about it.

I still think people need to just get over it, realize they aren't the center of earth, the reason all was created, and deal with it.

I'm with you on this.

Opinions are acceptable, then there are those people who go way overboard with it.

I have my share of opinions, and often times I've sort of ripped peoples heads off displayed opinions in a way that some people don't like, but then again, it happens to all of us :[

But like I said, I'm with you. I usually don't bite someone's head off unless they really get me going --- people who just spaz for the sake of spazzing are ridiculous.

Haters make us famous.

Its over exposure for me.

I used to sort of like Miley Cyrus, But now... I really don't. Same with Twilight.

Once stuff becomes popular...too popular, I start to be SOMEWHAT of a hater.

Though I try not too :p


Haters annoy the crap out of me, cause theres stating your opinion and theres bashing. Bashing is hating on something for a stupid reason, stating an opinion is simply saying 'I don't like Jonas Brothers.' Not, 'JONAS BROTHERS ARE SO GAY!! IF YOU LIKE THEM YOU ARE STUPID!!! THHERHTRENGDIFGM' Thats just going overboard and being stupid. Its easy to state an opinion without being mean or going overboard.

Quick confusing question:

Doesn't hating on the haters make you a hater? ;]

It ran across my mind and I had to put it out there xDDD

Quick confusing question:Doesn't hating on the haters make you a hater? ;]

It ran across my mind and I had to put it out there xDDD
You know, I've always thought that. xD

Anyways, there are things I dislike and things I like.

I have told people that I think Twilight sucks, and they just sit there and tell me I'm an idiot for hating the book and blah blah blah. And there have been times I've gone overboard too, I'll admit.

I am very very opinionated, it's true. I have something to say on almost every subject. But it bothers me when people try to pick fights and stuff. Blah. I'm rambling now.

Let me make it simple: I'm sure everybody at one point in their life has said something stupid, idiotic, catty, or rude. Ohkay, fine. That's human nature. I've done it and I feel bad about it. Sometimes I still do it.

But I hate when people take it to the extreme. Blahhh.

I'm so sorry for being so rambly.

Rambly is funn. I do it all the time~ 8DD

@Becca- Hmm... you know, I'm surprised I haven't thought about that sooner... xDD I'm trying to think of an excuse... wait for it... nope, I don't have one. x]]

It's just something that's been bothing me lately. The people who go on and on of how they hate everything that's mainstream. That bugs me.

I saw a comment on the Youtube vid of crushcrushcrush by Paramore the other day which really sparked this for me. They crazy person that said, "I used to love Paramore but now they're popular so now I hate them!!!" Those kind of people are what bug me.

So everyone jumps on the posers. "Ohmygosh. You're acting like what you aren't. You're such a poser." Well yeah. Most people have been poser-ish at some point in their lives. I'll admit to it too. If you haven't... well, bravo for you~
But not many people really get upset with the haters. They bother me the most. They hate everything mainstream. Like Twilight. If Twilight wasn't so popular, I bet some of the Twilight haters out there would actually like Twilight. But since it's popular, noooo. I  have to be anti-mainstream and HATE IT. That's just an example. This goes happens with other things, too.

Now it is perfectly fine to have an opinion and not like some things that other people do like. But those people who hate everything mainstream and shoot things down, they bother me to no end.

This was an issue that I think needed to be brought up. What do you guys thing?

Please no flaming in this, well, touchy topic. Don't spaz. Thanks.  ;)
((Hai Cindy, it's Crys. x3))

I agree with Dictionary. People have their own opinions, but some people are harsher than others...like me. x3

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Cryss~ 8DD

Yeah. I understand. I have opinions too.

But the haters who hate everything mainstream are who I'm hatin' on. x33

Wait. Ughh. That sounds so hypocritical. Dx

I have no idea where I'm going with this anymore.

I need to learn to keep my mouth shut when ideas come into my head instead of sharing them. x3

The only issue I will take up with antimainstreampeople is when they say that they're being nonconformist because if it's popular, it has to die. It's like, umno. Non-conformism is not caring what other people think, and not being conformist, not, "DESPITE THAT THIS IS MY FAVORITE BAND, IT'S POPULAR NOW, AND IM LIKE, NONCONFORMIST LIKE, SO LIKE, H8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888."

But I don't hate them. Hating haters is silly. P:

The only issue I will take up with antimainstreampeople is when they say that they're being nonconformist because if it's popular, it has to die. It's like, umno. Non-conformism is not caring what other people think, and not being conformist, not, "DESPITE THAT THIS IS MY FAVORITE BAND, IT'S POPULAR NOW, AND IM LIKE, NONCONFORMIST LIKE, SO LIKE, H8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888."
But I don't hate them. Hating haters is silly. P:
That's it. Exactly. n______n

Yeah, I guess it is... they are quite bothersome though. :/ Guess I was just in one of those moods yesterday.

I just wanted to see what other people thought. Being we had a topic on, "ewww posers." Dx

Along with learning to keep my mouth shut, I also need to learn to stop trying to justify myself too... hmm.... -addstolist-

@ Diva -- I agree with everything you just said.

@ Cinder -- I like some things mainstream :] Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, I like that sort of thing, I don't care if it's mainstream.

But on the other hand some mainstream things (for example, The Jonas Brothers) are not only not all too great, but they become so mainstream that the fans become frenzied and they never stopped getting talked about --- that gets annoying.

But yeah, the people who just say "I dislike them because they're mainstream" is sort of. . . hmhmmnmnm.

Rambly is funn. I do it all the time~ 8DD
@Becca- Hmm... you know, I'm surprised I haven't thought about that sooner... xDD I'm trying to think of an excuse... wait for it... nope, I don't have one. x]]

It's just something that's been bothing me lately. The people who go on and on of how they hate everything that's mainstream. That bugs me.

I saw a comment on the Youtube vid of crushcrushcrush by Paramore the other day which really sparked this for me. They crazy person that said, "I used to love Paramore but now they're popular so now I hate them!!!" Those kind of people are what bug me.
I hate that. Is it like "My favorite band is Hey Monday" (Random example, popped into my head).

And then if you end up hearing them on the radio, it's all "HEY MONDAY SUCKS!"

I never understood that. If you hate everything mainstream, what would you do if your favorite and was all over the radio all of a sudden?

Here's what I think about that:

I love my bands. I love loving bands nobody else has ever heard of. Sure, I got a tad annoyed when I saw The Cab on MTV. But, then I was happy.

But hey, wouldn't you be happy for a band you love who is getting attention? So that other people could know about them?

Doesn't that make more sense than hating them for becoming more well known?

I hate that. Is it like "My favorite band is Hey Monday" (Random example, popped into my head).And then if you end up hearing them on the radio, it's all "HEY MONDAY SUCKS!"

I never understood that. If you hate everything mainstream, what would you do if your favorite and was all over the radio all of a sudden?

Here's what I think about that:

I love my bands. I love loving bands nobody else has ever heard of. Sure, I got a tad annoyed when I saw The Cab on MTV. But, then I was happy.

But hey, wouldn't you be happy for a band you love who is getting attention? So that other people could know about them?

Doesn't that make more sense than hating them for becoming more well known?

Iamunderstood~ ;DD

well some of these haters are caused by too much of something...i mean a person could really start to hate something say like the Jonas Brothers with there pics every where,them on tv and taking over disney-same with Milley Cyrus..i mean im sorry but to me,iv been exposed to them so much i really have started to hate them..brain washing people with there music

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