have u ever swallowed gum?


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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2007
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yesterday i tried to do something with my gum. so i sucked it in and got stuck in my throut. so then i wanted to take it out but their was no way so i just swallowed it. ^_^ :D lol is it true that it will stay in your body for 7 yrs? oh yea that was my 1st time in my life i swallowed gum. and i am 11. :D :rolleyes

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I suppose theres nothing wrong with it if you only did it once..

But Still.. It could be quite Dangerous.

I swalowed buble yum on acsoident<it was6 times.the feeling is wierd ^_^

The 7 year thing is just a myth, people told kids that to scare them. It does nothing to you. ^_^ And gum is not rubber, rubber is toxic.


The 7 year thing is just a myth, people told kids that to scare them. It does nothing to you. ^_^ And gum is not rubber, rubber is toxic.
Actually, It's a Type of Rubber Substitute. I cant remember the name.

They add Flavorings to it.

I swallowed gum a few times, its harmless really. heres some information in a few paragraphs that should explain the result of swallowing gum.


When Is Swallowed Gum a Problem?

Swallowing a large mass of gum, or many small pieces of gum over a short period of time, can block the digestive tract in rare cases. Blockage is most likely when gum is swallowed along with foreign objects, like coins, or when swallowed with nondigestible materials like sunflower seeds.

Little kids are most likely to be affected because they might not understand that gum is chewed, not swallowed.

But apart from these strange scenarios, swallowing an occasional piece of gum is harmless.

What Exactly Happens to the Gum?

Chewing gum is made of either natural or synthetic materials (gum resin), preservatives, flavorings, and sweeteners. The body can absorb sweeteners, such as sugar, and they can add up to a lot of calories if you chew a lot of sugary gum. But the human digestive tract can't digest the gum resin. It's moved through the digestive tract by the normal pushing (peristaltic) actions of the gut. The gum's journey ends during a trip to the bathroom.


Hope that helped. ^^

like dude it will come out ur bum bum and get stuk sorry about this dude

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Hmm.. I guess you can relate to the whole "Roll your eyes and they will get stuck like that" statement. If I do accidentally swallow it I usually try to cough it back up from my esophagus.

Hi monkeyz10210!

I do what I have nowhere to put it but when there is a nearby bin I dump it in there.

It does NOT stay in you for seven years,its a fake story. :wacko:




:) Tom and mark :(

yesterday i tried to do something with my gum. so i sucked it in and got stuck in my throut. so then i wanted to take it out but their was no way so i just swallowed it. :mametchi: :wacko: lol is it true that it will stay in your body for 7 yrs? oh yea that was my 1st time in my life i swallowed gum. and i am 11. :ph34r: :rolleyes

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not true! my teacher told me so

When I was little I would buy two rolls of bubble tape and swallow it all!! LOL!! I dont think it does anything to you.

yesterday i tried to do something with my gum. so i sucked it in and got stuck in my throut. so then i wanted to take it out but their was no way so i just swallowed it. :lol: :angry: lol is it true that it will stay in your body for 7 yrs? oh yea that was my 1st time in my life i swallowed gum. and i am 11. B) :rolleyes

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Actually, due to a recent study, the 7 year thing is a myth. It passes right through your system, and can acctualy be good for you!

All of that is crud!! It just dissolveslike butter in your stomach acids!!! I should know, my Mom's a microbiologist and has to know that kind of thing!

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