Have YOU been picked on?


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crazy critter

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2006
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somewhere in the milky way
Hello TamaTama fans, :(


Have you been picked on at all? Bickered about? Had been Burn- Booked?

Well I have. It is not fair when they do that to you, eh? Especially when you have a disability, have extra fat, or is anorexic. I'm considered 'Psycho. Crazy. Weird'.

I have a disability called Speech Delayment which mucks up your communication skills and makes you what others call psycho! Well have you?


cc :(

Every day of gradeschool was absolute dread. I hated every minute of grades 1-6.

Life got better by a lot from 7th grade and on.

I guess we all have to be subject to idiots when we are young. I was not really different either. Pretty darn normal.

I never picked on anyone but my brother ever. I am glad to look back and be able to say that.

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Yes. Definetely.

See, I try to be as nice as I can.

But the girls in our school?

Well, they're just plain mean.

I've been lucky enough to travel the globe.

But the mean girls did'nt like that fact, and called me a 'Rich B***ch'

One word: Jealousy.

That hurt me for ages.

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Everyday since Pre-Kindergarten DX Since I was 4 years old basically

I have a Speech Disorder, I have problems prounoncing my "S" and "Z" sounds plain. Everyone teases me for that. It was really bad in Pre-K, it got better through Elementary. I loved my Speech Teacher ^^ She rocked! The only teacher I really liked in Elementary.

Some dude called me Anorexic one time in P.E just because I wasn't very fat. I also got called a Ugly *Dog* and I got told I was a Trans-sexual. For some reason the past year in 6th grade everyone said My mother was really a Man. I told the teachers, they didn't do ANYTHING. I got called horrible names, even Pyschopathic <.<

I'm sorry that you've been picked on :D being bullied is terrible and makes you feel so small. I my self have never really "bullied" anyone. Though I have teased someone, but not seriously :D . But I have picked on my brother ^_^ sevrel times. But we always get over it and sooner or later- get along.

I was teased pretty much all through my school years with comments like:

"Look theres a fat chick" or "That girls a retard she rides the short bus"

oh and "Shes slow shes in Speical Ed" I hated those the most, do I sound slow to YOU?!

They used to pretend to act slow when I walked past. I'm so very glad to be out of school for good.

Oh yeah.

From 4th grade the mid-6th, I was basically the target of EVERYBODY'S bullying. I was talked of behind my back, called fat, cursed at, etc. I hated everyone in my 4th-5th grade class (Same class with different 4th graders). I really don't like those kinds of people. <.<

5th grade was horror. X(

-I had no friends because I got angered easily and people took advantage of that.


-My so-called best friend kept saying negative things about me.


-People in my class kept bullying each other .


-People in my class kept calling me 'retard' and 'b*tch' because I was smart and they couldn't make good come-backs.


-Our music teacher smoked every day and she complains all the time that she hates her job.


-I've been to the same school for 7 years. (Pre-K, KG, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)


-The people on my bus picked on me every day. (I've never changed buses)


-People in my class talked about having s*x.


-Our district was in debt so we couldn't afford much.


People started gangs.


-People called me anorexic because I wasn't fat. (I'm 11 and I only weigh 71 Pounds- I'm less than 5 Feet tall and I don't gain much weight when I eat- What am I supposed to do about that?)


-Just because I say something wrong once, people decide to take advantage of that. Yet they only do that to me.


-In gym class when we're playing kickball- people always, and I mean ALWAYS decide to pick me last or close to last. (I'm a fast runner and a decent kicker, but they just pick other people who aren't even their friends!!)


And the teacher never paid attention.

I was in a public school.


I'm going into 6th grade.

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Hello TamaTama fans, :p  

Have you been picked on at all? Bickered about? Had been Burn- Booked?

Well I have. It is not fair when they do that to you, eh? Especially when you have a disability, have extra fat, or is anorexic. I'm considered 'Psycho. Crazy. Weird'.

I have a disability called Speech Delayment which mucks up your communication skills and makes you what others call psycho! Well have you?


cc :p
Oh god. If you were in my school, I'd growl at them!


I understand disabled kids.


I have been picked on.


I absolutly hated 5th grade. I was allowed to get picked on. That dumb--oh! I mean barnacle head.


The girl made fun of my drawings. She got away from it too. Good thing my mom jumpe don him!


This year I was teased about my locker. The way my teachers, principal and vice principal took care of it, I realized that I was in a good middle school.


Next year the principal is going to retire and the vice principal is going to take his place and the old principal from elementary school that didn't let the bad kids get away with ANYTHING is going to take the vice principal's place so I'm excited.


God. You couldn't get away with picking on in my school.


I'm a nerd, and I maybe in middle school, but I have a childish brain (well with interests).

I am still crazy in love with SpongeBob, I'm seriously into Webkinz, I like the preschool shows, I ABSOLUTLY hate the Simpsons, I'm crazy on stuffed animals (always carry a stuffed ferret to my friend's house), and what else may I name? I don't even think that my mom thinks I'm normal.

Yeah some kids call me names. They do it because they think I can't stand up to them.

But gosh who gives a fudge cake about what they say.I like who I am end of story.

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I was picked on since Kindergarten. I think really the best times in school were Grade 6 because my teacher was awesome and when I got into high school. Grade 10 was awful but grade 11 and 12 were alright. Now these days the bullying has come and gone but the effects from years of garbage have made me very cautious in trusting folks right away if at all.

i have a Speech Disorder also making some people say i talk weird :p its not nice!! it made me cry:(

Well, I also had a speech disorder. As I finished Pre-School, the teachers said I wouldn't be able to cope in yr one, but i proved everybody wrong and was able to work in a working environment. It just was my behaviour that got me down.................


Not much. I get about as much teasing as normal people do. Everyones been picked on for one thing or another.

I got bullied when I was in year 10 of highschool, well they where ment to be my friends. I started going out with my boyfriend shortly after that and everything went better - just because he was popular.

Before I went out with my boyfriend for them couple of months when I was starting to get to know him I just hung about with some boys I knew so it wasn't that bad but when they called me names it made me feel really bad about myself even though I didn't do anything wrong.

But it's better not to dwell on the past, everythings fine now :huh: .

I wasn't bullied until 6th grade. That whole year it was nothing but dreading going to school to find out what they'd do next.

I transferred from that school at the end of the year.

7th and 8th grade I became the bully and by 9th people knew not to mess with me anymore.

Well at my school, we have different people in our classes for each subject, and Last year I was in the second-lowest science class with NONE of my friends... so of course I was picked on :angry: People always threw things at me, and called me names... but it paid off, because I am in the Top science class this year :angry: ...with friends.

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