Have you ever been at deaths door?


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I don't know if I posted in this already, so I'll just post again.

Yes, I have. So many times.

From almost getting hit by cars and trucks,

to sickness.

The highest fever I have ever ran was like 107.

This year, my highest has been 104.

That's really high.

When I was 2, I wondered onto a busy highway that I lived near.

I snuck out of the house.

But luckilly, my dad saved me.

When I was 5, I had pnemonia. I remember feeling really icky.

And my brother when he was like 3, got outside, and ran down the block by himself. He tried to cross the street and almost got run over. My mom was freaking out. :)

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nope, I've never been close to dying, besides a couple times I've been on my bike and almost runover by a car, and also another time when my seatbelt on a roller coaster wasn't on completely, but I got it on before the ride went all the way up the slope.

One time when I was around six or seven. I was at the beach, and my mom and I were playing in the waves. We got out pretty far though. All of a sudden, the most enormous wave I have ever seen came and knocked us underwater. We couldn't get up, because it kept pushing us around. I was literally stuck holding my breath for over a minute, and I thought I was going to die. My mom came up first, and when she didn't see me, she got terrified. But a few seconds later, I finally popped up. It was SO scary. It was an enormous wave, even my mom was trapped for almost a minute. *shivers* I am still very scared of the ocean, and have only been back one time since then. I'm so grateful I lived.

Yes, I believe.


When I was a toddler someone left the lime away out, lovely breakfast for me u__u

One time this girl made me climb up her closet to get something, and whatever was on the other side was sharp and the closet started to fall out, and I jumped.. ugh.. I couldn't move for like, 10 minutes after that and she was like "lul you wanna go again?"

I've nearly gotten run over by a car, plenty of times.

I fell getting out of the bathtub..


I probably have many more, but I am such a klutz, and I have never broken anything, bone wise, anyway. :3

I havnt but my friend laura sort of has. She was asleep in her bedroom at her farm and her bull broke out of its field and charged the house. It broke a hole in my friend's bedroom wall.

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I was about four years old and I choked on a Jolly Rancher. I thought I was gonna die but I could still breathe. They say if you can still breathe, you can still live. So that's probably about the only time.

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I've choked about 3 times

I've almost drowned twice

I've almost been hit by a car twice or three times.

I can explain the drowning.

Drowning Incidient Number One:

I lived at an apartment and I didn't know how to swim. I was taking swimming lessons but I had just begun. They had a pool and I was just chillin. This little kid started chasing me around the pool. Of course, I was about 2 years older than him or something and kept way ahead of him. Nobody tried to stop him. I thought I heard someone call my name so I stopped near the deep end. Somehow the little kid was suddenly behind me and pushed me in. I couldn't swim so I was screaming and splashing. I heard my mom call "Use your swimming skills!" becuase she thought I could stay above the water. Everything went black after that. My mom was talking to me a few weeks ago and described the situation as "...terrifying. You know, you just sunk to the bottom and didn't move."

I don't remember who rescued me; but I know that I owe them my life.

Drowning Incident Number Two (this'll be shorter)

Tried to use flippers to swim to the bottom of the deep end. They slowed me down on my way up and almost didn't get up soon enough to get air. Luckily I managed to kick one of them off and got to the surface just in time. My friend had let me borrow them and she didn't even care that I almost drowned. She just cared that her freaking stupid precious flipper was at the bottom of the pool and I had to get it!!!!

These were a long time ago. I can swim now.

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What is "Deaths Door"?
Deaths door= Have you ever been very close to dying. That's pretty much what this topic is about :mellow:

I just remembered I got hypotheria (sp??) when I was about 5. I fell into a frozen lake when I was skating. Thank goodness my dad saved me (My dad saved my life again. I probably wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him!). Since I was 5, I don't remember much. That's all I can remember right now ;)

I came close to passing out while I was tubing on the lake.. That couldn't have ended well. I would have drowned. But the passing out waited until we were already in the emergency room for Nicole's elbow, so it was all good. ;D

Once I was helping my dad getting stuff out of the attic, and when my dad went to get something in the house, I was standing on the ladder and I was holding onto the floor of the attic.Well, when I stood up on the ladder,It fell!So I was holding onto the floor of the attic screaming for my dad,I lost my grip and fell.I wasn't hurt at all though!

yes, I died before. For 7 whole minutes. Then I remembered I needed to water my flowers so I came back to life

yes, I died before. For 7 whole minutes. Then I remembered I needed to water my flowers so I came back to life
This is a topic for people who have almost died. not jokes. Anyway I don't know if I posted in this before or not. But I have twice. Before when I was like 5 it was the 4th of July and alot of the kids were in my grandma's pool. So I decided to get in but when I put one of those round tube things on when I jumped into the pool I guess before I got into the water it slipped off and I almost drowned but my cousin Shelby helped me. And also before when I was 8 I choked on a peice of steak and then I finally was able to get it down. Yep those were very scary experiences.

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