Have you ever been bullied?


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2015
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Hunched over my iPad texting up my next novel
Now, just out of personal curiosity, I was just wondering.
(This is also for some research for a book ^_^ )

Have you ever been bullied (like when you were a kid, maybe)?
And if so, what did you do?
What would you do if you saw someone else get bullied?

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No; regarding real life, I've not been bullied and I have not seen someone else get bullied.

Online is a different story though. I get "cyberbullied" on deviantArt often, but I choose not to take offense to it. To be honest, insults only hurt me if they're from someone I love.

I have, actually, online and in real life. Back then, I would either stand up for myself or cry, but now, I just want to laugh at bullies for their stupidity. But not all bullies are full blown jerks, some just do it to make themselves feel better about something. And if I saw someone get bullied, I would probably tell a grown-up.

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Yes. I was heavily bullied in the 8th grade and minorly in high school. In 8th grade, it was my entire class. We had a teacher who did not know Spanish (we live on the border to Mexico) so all the kids would curse at me and insult me in Spanish all class long and the teacher didn't know and didn't stop them. I had to endure it every day of the school year pretty much. I thought the main girl doing it might try to come after me outside school, but she never did.

I didn't do anything at the time. I didn't tell my parents or teachers. I didn't even tell that teacher who taught that class. I kept it to myself and figured if I ignored them they would get tired of it and stop. In retrospect, I probably should have told someone.

If I saw someone else get bullied (which I did, back when I was in school), I probably still would not have stepped in to interfere. I just was a very non-confrontational person and still am. I think now that I'm an adult though, if I saw a child getting bullied, I would step in and make sure they knew how wrong it is.

Yep. I'm mixed race, father is Jamaican and my mother is white, and in the 5th and 6th people would make fun of my extremely light skin (pretty much Caucasian lol) and hair, green eyes, and the texture of my hair. They called it nappy (full of knots, undesirable), which led me to flat ironing my hair pin straight every day for three years.

The other day I was out and about with one of my good friends and we saw one of the girls that would make fun of my hair and my friend said to me: "Hey, that's [name]! Don't you think it's funny that she used to harass you for your hair and now she's practically paying to have your hair?" I died laughing!

I've definitely learned to love and care for my curly ringlets, and every time I have a pretty bow or flower in my hair, I think about that girl, and how jealous she and the others must have been of my hair. It helps that I got so many more compliments on my curls than I ever did when it was straight!

...I've been bulied a few times in real life... If i see the same people who bullied me when I was younger, I would just turn my back to them, for as far as I'm concerned, they are less than nothing to me now. If my friends ever get bullied, I would have the bullies in question direct their attention to me. In this fashion, I'll find out enough about the person as to decide what kind of bully they are. Usually, I won't resort to violence, but against those that assault my family, I WILL resort to it, no questions asked. For those who do it just to do it, I MAY become aggressive. But all in all I'll do my best to show that I won't put up with it AT ALL.

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Honestly, I have a lot recently. Though I'm not sure whether to call it bullying or not, but it's something. Heck I go about my day at school, doing this, doing that, and someone has to come by and leave a rude comment about whatever I'm doing. Can people just leave others alone? C'mon, I wasn't doing anything to them. I'm not even sure why but it seems that I can't do a lot of things without someone hurting me, because I'm pretty sensitive to that kind of stuff tbh. I guess it might just be their form of humor, but really man... just let me go on with my day :/

I used to get bullied all the time in school, and I would cry, which would lead to more bullying because people liked to make me cry just to see me cry

I honestly don't know what I would do if I saw someone else getting bullied, I'd probably try and talk to them to try and make them feel better because I know what it's like (I'm not sure about telling someone because form experience, where I'm from, no one ever does anything about it)

In elementary school, I was in a small school, in a small class, and in third grade, there were a couple of girls (twins, actually,) who came in and pitted everyone against me. I was called "Typhoon" instead of my name for four years straight. No matter what I did, I was ostracized. And in the end, I excelled academically, even though I do have self image issues that persist to this day, 20 years later. There are lasting effects. I don't deal with them every day, but I still deal with them now.

I'm 97% okay, and 3% still that lost child, but still proud that I never changed for what they tried to mould me into, because at that time in my life, I still knew nothing would be good enough for them, and they only wanted me to be anything other than I was.

During my primary school I was bullied kinda badly.

To this day me and my parents weren't sure why. The worst thing that happened to me was I was strangled with a skipping rope/jump rope, and it's left me with a fear of anyone going anywhere near my neck. My parents knew as one of the teachers saw the end of it and all I remember is the people who did it just got in bad trouble, and I had to stay at one side of the school until they left the following year to go to secondary school

Yes, I have been bullied. A loooot when I was younger for being a lot smaller and quieter than everyone else. Now, since I'm more normal in size compared to everyone, they mainly comment on my looks and clothing. Nothing's changed and I graduated high school yesterday. Some people never grow up.

I was mostly bullied in primary school because i was pretty individual for my age and the class president didn't want to accept it and tried to bully me into obeying her. I was called fat and a b***h by some guys in middle school once.

I was bullied in the form of ostracism back in the 7th grade. This one girl stole things from people and blamed it on me. The best part is that everyone knew I didn't do it but they still ignored me because the girl who actually stole the things was more popular than I was and it was easier to just blame me. I was basically dropped from my friend group and had to make completely new friends... Kids are jerks.

Yes, when I was a child - about 7 or 8 years old? It resorted from physical isolation and avoiding/abandoning me (now one of my worst fears, along with rejection) and actual physical harassment from one - punching me, giving me black eyes, etc. I don't know details because I've been trying my hardest (successfully) to forget.

I don't think I'd do much if I saw someone, mainly due to my social anxiety and non-confrontational personality.

In middle school for being in the special ed classes. Even now sometimes a jerk will come along and feel the need to harass me because of my weight. Seriously your a grown up this isn't the school play ground. Grow up.

Only once, in 6th grade. Another girl was jealous of me being smart, and she and some of her friends ganged up on me after school. I told her she was afraid of me because she needed her friends with her (I was alone). She hit me first, then I really lit into her. I gave her a bloody nose and a black eye. Her friends ran off. She never bothered me or anyone else again.

I got bullied a lot during my entire school experience, to be honest there wasn't much that could be done since the teachers didn't want to be bothered with the trouble and eventually gave up on me.

I mostly just kind of...coped with it. I'm not even sure how I managed to make it through with how much it effected my anxiety.

I think if I saw someone being bullied I'd try to help them out somehow even if it's just trying to be there for them and giving them support because I understand how terrible it feels suffering through it alone...

I haven't. Even in junior high and primary school (and ofc now in high school) I refused to surround myself with people that I thought would made me feel bad.

Yes. I was bullied a great deal in school. Even by some of the teachers. The fact that my dad was also abusive didn't help matters.

It did permanent damage. I'm disabled due to severe anxiety and depression. I have trust issues and prefer to be by myself with only my pets for company. I rarely leave the house. Once or twice a month at most.

Oh goodness, yes! I grew up going to a private Christian elementary, middle, junior high and high school, and was basically bullied throughout. The issue was I'm a naturally introverted person, and around the time that boys started figuring out girls and vise versa, I had my small circle of female friends, we all hung out together, and I just wasn't interested in that kind of relationship with a guy at such a young age. So naturally all the jocks assumed I was a lesbian, and in this particular setting it was basically the worst possible thing ever. My school was BIG on the whole anti-gay thing. The other "popular" girls pretty much left me alone, but I was teased and bullied by the guys on pretty much a daily basis up until my sophomore or junior year in high school. I'm not sure if any of the teachers knew what was going on; I certainly never spoke with anyone about it. I knew why the guys were bullying me though, so I just ignored them and kept going about my business. It never really bothered me that much. To be honest, looking back on it now I'm glad they went after me and not any of the actual gay/lesbian kids in my class. That could've ended disastrously... A good friend of mine, who actually was a lesbian, committed suicide just after graduation. That was from the treatment her parents gave her for being gay though, not our classmates... What a waste of a beautiful life.

To this day I've still kept my Christian faith, but I stay away from the groups that teach people to hate on gays and lesbians like that. It's just wrong. Jesus preached that the greatest commandment is to love, so that's how I try to keep living my life- full of love for all types of people :)

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