Have you ever de bugged your tama?


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Yes, I have. And the only thing that went wrong was caused by my own stupidity. (When trying to unscrew the back of the tamagotchi, I was twisting the screwdriver the wrong way for about twenty minutes, so the screw no longer has the 'x' in it. The 'x' is now a hole.) It's fine though (I've undebugged it too), it's just a tiny bit loose in the back.)

I've always thought about it, but dont really want to risk it. Should I?

Yes I have. Ruined one of them. The other one went through a successful one. I do NOT suggest doing it unless you want to risk loosing your Tama. Anyway, they aren't that fun.

I debuged my V1, and it worked to perfection!!!! But when i tried V2 it broke :( it is still broke to this day. I would only debug a tama you are willing to loose forever!

hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!!!

thanks, now i know not to do it unless i want to do it to one of my older ones, one that i dont play with as much.

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