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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2013
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Tamagotchi Planet
Have you ever checked on your Tamagotchi then saw it was dead, so you started crying, feeling sad, feel like your life has no purpose anymore (Lol), etc.?! Once when I was little, I was looking for my v3, then I found it and saw it was dead, so I started crying for about 20 minutes. XD :D :lol:

I actually never experienced a tamagotchi to die on me. My first one broke before it could've have died, my V5 a couple of years ago ran out of batteries before I could neglect it.. and now I don't plan to let them die.

The only Tama that died on me was the L.I.F.E. App, that doesn't count. The one thing that comes close was when I rolled over my very first tam, a V2 with a chair and made a giant pixel leak. I had to replace it. But nope, no REAL tama deaths.

Yes, but my Tamagotchis seldom die nowadays. Now I mostly cry about Himespetchi and Ikemen Mametchi being removed from the anime.

The other day my P's, which was on the 12th generation, highest I've ever got, died. I discovered that while my friend was over and we were drawing Tama characters (she's not into Tamas but likes the characters).

Me: *sees death screen* Look, this is the death screen of a Tamagotchi! *isn't upset*

Friend: Oh, okay. How do I see the character?

Me: You can't, it's dead. *still isn't upset*

In other words, I never get at all upset about Tamas dying. :p

Not really because Tamas can always be resurrected. The only way a Tama ever truly dies is if the device is destroyed. If that happened to any of mine I'd be sad, but a Tama leaving or dying doesn't make me sad because I believe a Tama contains all the memories of every Tama raised on that particular device so a Tama is never truly gone.

Not really because Tamas can always be resurrected. The only way a Tama ever truly dies is if the device is destroyed. If that happened to any of mine I'd be sad, but a Tama leaving or dying doesn't make me sad because I believe a Tama contains all the memories of every Tama raised on that particular device so a Tama is never truly gone.

Ohh, you said that very nicely! I am a bit sad right now in fact because I don't want to part with my Himespetchi but I know I have to one day, but what you said makes it actually a bit better. :)
I always get super sad when my tamas die. :( I feel like they're my children. Good thing they rarely die on me right? :) I think I take quite good care of them.

I tend to feel guilty but I like to subscribe to the idea that they just "return to their home planet," or whatever. <3 I do try not to let them leave but it's happened before where I couldn't remember where I put one, etc. and then it's turned up later. :/

I feel some guilt and if I got an especially good character on the older versions, I get a bit sad. Do I get REALLY depressed? No, not really. I didn't even get really depressed as a kid when they'd die, more like mad.

When my Nyorotchi on the Tama LIFE app left me suddenly, I felt very defeated. I thought I should have taken better care of the poor little guy in the first place, so I apologized to his little angel form and then hit the reset button, vowing to take better care of my next egg. Little Nyorotchi still crosses my mind from time to time, most likely because he was the first Tama that I've raised in a very long time.

Yes sadly I got to 15 generation on tamaGO. long live officer awesome. :( :( :[

No one should cry about a virtual pet. It was programmed and its not alive. People get obsessed and for what nastalgia? can ruin peoples lives. I like Tamas as much as the next guy but I am not obsessed about something with no feeling. I'm not arguing just saying that people wouldn't get obsessed obout Tamas. I talk to them rarley but its mostley to myself. Just people get to attached to small egg things! D:<

Malfoy Edit: Please avoid posting consecutively - you can edit your existing posts up to 24 hours if you needed to add something. Refrain from emoticon-only responses as well, please.

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Never cried about it, to be honest. I feel a little annoyed (and sometimes guilty), but otherwise it doesn't bother me that much. I just hit reset and get a new tama. XD A little heartless, but I never get too attached to them.

I just got my first actual tamagotchi (a tama-go) and I haven't had any die on me yet (I actually got Lovelytchi first gen and was psyched) and it makes me a little sad to think about her dying, but nowhere near as sad as it makes me feel to think about my cat dying. Forunately my kitty is still young, but unlike the tamagotchi, she cannot be reset with new batteries T_T But I wouldn't say it's bad to feel sad about a dead tamagotchi. One of the reasons they're so popular is the sense of obligation created in it depending on you. You put effort in to keeping something 'alive' and it's not abnormal to be sad when it dies if you're the sentimental sort, which is a catagory I fall in to.

Not really because Tamas can always be resurrected. The only way a Tama ever truly dies is if the device is destroyed. If that happened to any of mine I'd be sad, but a Tama leaving or dying doesn't make me sad because I believe a Tama contains all the memories of every Tama raised on that particular device so a Tama is never truly gone.
That is not true in my opinion. In other dimension are the hundreds of lost or dead Mametchis, Kuchipatchis, Memetchis, and more that died. They never come back; there are just more and more of them dying. That is what believe~

When my first tama died, and I saw the little winged egg thing, I thought I got a new character...-.-

But then again, I also thought that the poop was a little alien friend.

That's what you get for not reading the instructions.

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