Have you ever dropped your tama?


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
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I was just wondering. I've dropped my Tamagotchi's multple times, but they were by accident. Though I have heard of people throwing their Tamas at a wall on purpose... :angry:

Yes, I have :angry:

I've dropped my Tama by accident on many hard surfaces. Concerete, tiles, brick, lots of things. I feel really bad about it...

all the time! but always by accident. except once when it froze. i dropped it lightly on the sofa till it unfroze.

A long time ago when me and my fiance were wrestling at his moms place, he hit my arm by accident and my tama went flying off the bed. But I heard a weird "ding" sound...so i crawled to the end of the bed to look and my tama had fallen into his cup of tea that he set on the floor!!

I tried to fix it but it was way to damaged. I went out and bought another one and named it after the one that fell in the tea. Her name was Lexie and she was the 13th generation.

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thats why I bought a lanyard.

my sis dropped her v2 once and the inner screen broke. :lol: and we couldn't fix it more :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I think I've never dropped one, BUT I always accidently let that attached metal chain-ring-thing bang onto the screen. :/ It happens all the time, if I want to put my tama somewhere or use it and pause to take a sip of coffee. But, oh wonder, I never had any scratch on the screens so far :)

Not that I write this, I'm thinking of simply taking the chains off, but somehow the handling wouldn't be the same without it. Oh well!

Yes I have.. bunches of times.

I hate doing it because I always end up with scratches and Idk why but scratches really annoy me XD

I have 3 on a Lanyard, So when one falls, they all fall XD

One time I was in my room and then I had to go to the bathroom and I accidently droped my tama v5 into the base ment! Good thing that there was a carpet in the basement. :huh:

Yeah I dropped my tamas so many times that some are broken All I have now is a V4.5

Many many times.

Gets so annoying because I scratch the screen lots too.

I've hardly used my V5 and it already has a huge scratch on the middle of the screen.

I'm hopeless ;]

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