Have you ever fainted?


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I've only ever had a sezier ........i still don't remember taht day..I just remember my Dad carrying me to A & E

I've only ever had a sezier ........i still don't remember taht day..I just remember my Dad carrying me to A & E
whats a sezier like,i get scared when i c stuff happen to poeple,i like freeze and think of what to do and i cant think of anything

Well, I never REALLY fainted but on the 100-degree day last year, I ALMOST fainted in the car!!!!! I couldnt think straight and felt like I was going to die any second! :( I had to look at random objects and say what they are in my head! And then my life was saved by the air conditioner!!!! xD

Well, I never REALLY fainted but on the 100-degree day last year, I ALMOST fainted in the car!!!!! I couldnt think straight and felt like I was going to die any second! :( I had to look at random objects and say what they are in my head! And then my life was saved by the air conditioner!!!! xD
behold the wonderuos air conditioner!!!!the amazing things technology can do

I've never fainted but I have come close to it just the once.
I was back in year 11 and it was the semi finals for debating.  I had the flu at the time and wasn't feeling the best.  I just remember trying to stumble through my speech and it was like everything was getting foggy.  I felt like someone had put something over my ears that was making a rustling sound so I couldn't hear properly.  My thought processes seemed really slow and I knew something wasn't right and I just kept saying "I'm sorry".  At some point my debating teacher got up and forced me to sit down and dragged me outsite, head down. 

We lost the debate but only by two points and it was my fault.  I always felt bad about it because at the time I wasn't as strong 3rd speaker as I had been previously and then I had a near-fainting episode. :(   It goes without saying that I didn't return to the team the following year!
Same, I have never fainted but have come very close to it.

Once when I was about 7 or 8 I used to take baths, not showers. When I was done, I got up really fast dried myself, and got dressed, all threw that i felt really weird, I kept stumbling and stuff. Then when I was going downstairs I stopped suddenly because I felt myself falling, and everything was going black. I thought I was dying (lol) so I scream and started to cry, my mom rushed in and asked what was going on I told her and she told me to lay down. And thats basically what I did, then I was fine.

Other time was last month, I was REALLY sick I was walking upstair when all of a sudden I felt REALLY dizzy. I stumbled then EVERYTHING went black. I couldn't see anything I screamed and told my dad I couldn't see. He guided me to the coach and I had to lay down for awhile before I had my balance and sight back.


I've never actually fainted, but I feel faint a lot.

Once when I woke up Saturday morning when I was ten or eleven I got out of bed and stretched. I must have stretched too hard or something, because next thing I knew I collapsed on the floor. I saw spots, my head hurt, and the world was spinning like I'd gotten off a carnival ride. I lied down on the floor for a couple of minutes and felt fine, but I still don't know what happened, because I wasn't sick.

Another time was during a performance rehearsal, and the people were really crammed together. The lights were glaring down, and it was really hot. I could barely breathe because there was no ventailation. I remember not even singing, just trying to breathe. I couldn't really think. About half an hour later we finished, and everything was fine, but it was still pretty bad. A lot of other people had the same problem.


I was at an Australian Girls Choir rehersal for our biggest performance in summer and there was only air conditioning in the dressing rooms and we had to wear long pants (And I had stockings on under too) a shirt with sleeves to our elbows and socks... we had lights beaming down on us and it was really hot... But it was really funny because my friend was next to me and the lights were purple, orange, yellow and red and we were like moving our arms around and making funny shapes with our hands and on the floor it would come up like ten times.

On topic now:

It was impossible that night... then I had a party to go to after that with my Dad... I played with this kid. It was fun but unbeliveably hot.


I remember last year I was running and bumped heads with Maddie from the Tee Ball team and then she just kept running but I think I almost passed out.

then when she was going back to class she yelled out "Caitlin, are you OK?"

I said "Yeah I'm fine. Are you OK?"

She was fine but I had a bit of a headache the rest of the day.

Though I wasn't lieing I was fine just headache-ish.

It was really embarassing because everyone was looking at me when we bumped heads...

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summer of 2001, an australian heatwave, my mum and I had bought a new house after moving from sydney, we didn't have an air conditioner so we went in our car through 41 degrees celcius heat in a car that had a screwed up air con to buy an air con for our house

you might be able to guess that i fainted

I've never fainted, but came very close to it many times.

The first time was in the ROM, everything went purple and black, so, very weakly, I stumbled over to the icecream holder thingie, I leaned against it. It felt very cold, and made me feel stronger, and I got my vision back, but I still felt light-headed, so I got something to drink, and I was fine the rest of the time.

Another time, we were in Wonderland, and I felt all light-headed, and my vision was black, and I felt nacisus (sp?) Anyway, my mom gave me a drink of soda, and I felt better.

Another time I was at the doctors, I had just gotten a needle, Everything ws black and fuzzy. I started gagging and coughing. I felt so sick, I felt like I was dying, so my mom took me to the bathroom, where I gagged. I couldn't see, I leaned over the toilet and put my head in between my knees, and I was a bit better. I left the bathroom, very shaken up, and the doctors game me a cookie.

I have been close to fainting many times. Because I hadn't had anything to eat for the last 3 hours. So I had low blood sugar. I havent felt faint for a few months. :D


Oh, and that reminds me. Once when I was sick with a high fever, my mom was doing my hair and I was standing up. Then I got really dizzy and started swaying and said, "Mommy, I don't feel so good". Then I sat down on the ledge of the tub, and it looked like all these black bugs were taking over my vision. Then I couldn't see. I started running towards the doorway to the bathroom (I was in my parents' bathroom) and I bumped my head off of the edge of the doorway because I couldn't see. It didn't hurt for some reason. So my mom led me to her big bed which was really tall, and I managed to climb up on it. Then slowly, as I lay down, the black bug-like things started to move away, and I could see.

Gosh, it's so scary when I faint or almost faint... :D

Melody and i both have. It happend at the same time (and in case you haven't caught on yet, we are twins) when we were in florida. We were coming back from somwhere (i can't remember where) and we were waiting for a bus. It was us, my parents and other siblings and my cousins. It was 12:30 at night and were ever still waiting for a bus. it finaly came and we got to the hotel. we were walking on the small bridge to get to the hotel door. We both fainted almost at the same time... except she fell into the water and i fell on the bridge. i hit my head really hard but i woke up first. i couldn't find her and i thought she died!!!!!! i was really scared and i thought i was going to faint again. My older cousin found her and she was fine. sorry Melody!

fainting is really scary :D


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I've fainted twice, and knocked myself out once.
I fainted in 10th grade in my art class from lack of food, and another time when I was really young from having blood drawn.

I knocked myself out in the 'hospital' by slamming my head against the floor.
Why would you slam your head against the floor???!!!

I almost fainted once because I hadn't eaten anythinything for a month. I was limp, my vision was cloudy, and I could barly walk. but my mom gave me chips and I was fine.

For a month? I'm guessing you were still drinking fluids because you die after 2 weeks without consuming anything. o_o

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