Have you ever found a hiding tama lying around?


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The Sparksta

Dec 27, 2009
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So one time I found a v4 tama in the car. I don't remember ever getting it, and since I already had a ton of tamas, I gave it to my cousin. (Don't worry she loves them and takes care of them very well.) But I just want to know, has that ever happened to any of you? Because it was kind of weird and yet kind of cool at the same time :wacko:

I don't think it's nice to just pick the lost tama up and take it home though..... someone might be looking for it and they find it's not there. Put it in the lost and found or leave it in case the person who lost it came across that place again.


I would totally pick up a random Tamagotchi that was lying in the middle of the sidewalk. But I guess that's just me :)

I mean, its the person who dropped it there's problem. :)

I would totally pick it up too especially if it was a tamagotchi color or ID actually I would probably turn that in those are alot but I would keep a devilgotchi

anyway I had tamagotchis before and I put them on my shelf and totally forgot about them and so they got pushed bad untill one day I was cleaning It and I found them the only problem almost all of the batteries were dead

wow that is cool i wish that would happen to me, but i only have one :)

I don't think it's nice to just pick the lost tama up and take it home though..... someone might be looking for it and they find it's not there. Put it in the lost and found or leave it in case the person who lost it came across that place again.

Maybe they dropped it because they did not want it...?

Thats so cool how you just found one lying around. That has never happened to me-I keep all of my tamagotchis in a shoebox.

If you find a Tama on the sidewalk or outside somewhere, it could really be messed up. Or it just might need new batteries.

I found my light blue V1 in my couch's cushions when we moved. It was dead. :furawatchi: But I don't know what happened to it. I think I gave it back to my friend (I was borrowing it).

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