Have you ever gotten into a fist fight?


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Fist fights are fun x3 Espcially at hockey. One time this girl slashed out center across the neck with her hockey stick, so we ganged up on her and starting beating her up and everyone came in and just got into a hugeeee fight. And this was at the end of the game when we were shaking hands. xD

Suprisingly, I haven't been in a fist fight that wasn't in the hockey arena. Anyone who knows me well would think that's a miracle. xD

Fist fights are fun x3 Espcially at hockey. One time this girl slashed out center across the neck with her hockey stick, so we ganged up on her and starting beating her up and everyone came in and just got into a hugeeee fight. And this was at the end of the game when we were shaking hands. xD


I saw you posted last, and I knew you were gonna bring hockey into it XD

I've gotten into a fight where there was pulling hair and scratching. xDD

I did when this boy ticked me off in 8th grade last year but he didn't dare hit back I hit him in the arm because he called me the b word so I punched him in the arm and gave him a heck of a bruise. Stupid little turd he was then the next day he touched my booty so I kicked him in the ding dongs and screamed at him "DON'T YOU HAVE ANY MANNERS YOU PERVERTED LITTLE PIG!!" and I walked off with my boyfriend lol and he said he's beat that boy up for me and he did lol. And one with this girl who made me mad because she spreaded rumors about me and my buddies she just pulled my hair though and I kicked, slapped, scratched and screamed at her LOL yea I'm vicious when you make me mad. XD

And sorry for the cursing I was just telling you what really happened.

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I have, with a guy. xD I obviously won because you can't punch a girl! xD I think it was an argument about if Tobi was Madara or Obito. xDDDDD *sigh* Good times, good times...

with my cousin. He still has the scars from that day he FOOLISHLY DARED TO CROSS ME. Yea, I won big time.

Edit: Oh, and my cousins baseball team. Those perverts deserved to be pushed into an evevator and a bush, Beat up( including punching, biting, hair pulling, tackling) and hung off of a 3 story balcony until they said sorry for their stupidity of clashing with ME. And so I gave that to them.

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Okay that story is true. 100% true. Things are diffrent in High School than they are in Middle School. Guys are diffrent. And this guy, happens to be a girl stalker. He doesn't take no for an answer.
You don't HAVE to be in high school to have that happen to you though. It could happen to an middle schooler, an elementary schooler, anybody.


All the time, guys jst dont understand Im not their toy they can grab any time, so I makie them back off

there was this girl at school last year called Cassie.And me had this MAJOR fight.and on the way home we got into a punching fight(it was small)and i got sent to the principals office.But it was for a few questions.i wasn't in trouble XP.But now Cassie is REALLY nice to me ^-^

Does karate-sparring count? :p

One time, I got in a catfight with this girl in my class. Pulling hair. Scratching. Screaming. The whole bit. Now we just act like we're complete strangers when we see each other.

Other than those, not much. I usually won't fight physically, usually verbally. I'll scream at you until you surrender, or I'll annoy you until you're ready to jump out of your skin :p Lovely, right?

I got into a fight with this guy once because he kept stepping on my shoe laces. I flipped him and he ran away. 0.0 Seriously.

Then I hit my friend because she stole my new phone. I still feel bad for doing that. D:

I once punched this guy at a water park when I was 11 I think... He pushed me out of the way of something and called me a rude name (I won't say it) when I told him I was using it. And then I punched him and he ran away all scared like o.o and he was about a foot taller then me!! and when I was a little kid (8) I was really violent >> I hit this girl like 6 times (not all in one day!!) because she was mean and always annoying me... saying something mean, getting me into trouble and calling me a liar when I tried to tell my side of the story, so after a while I hit her.

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