Have you ever had a broken bone(s)?


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Yeah. I broke my toe. Here's how it happened.

When I was in...3rd or 4th grade, I took riding lessons. Before and after our lessons, we had to groom our horses. So while I was using the hoof pick (the thingy you use to pick out all the dirt from your horse's hoof), I put my foot under the horse's lifted hoof (bad idea. What? I was short! I needed to keep my balence!). And I accidently dropped his foot onto my pinky toe. Yeah. Painful.

That's all. I'm lucky. I've never sprained of twisted anything.

Well, mabye I broke my OTHER pinky toe as well. I was running down this hallway to the office (at home, not at school) and I slammed my pinky toe in the wall when I attempted to turn. That hurt too. :D I hope I didn't brake it, because I never got it looked at. And now I have a *coughwartcough* on that toe :) .

i fractured my femur in my right leg when i was one when i flipped off the changing table. lol, it seems funny today 'cause the doctors had x-ray the wrong leg first!!!

also i was injured when they took the cast off 'cause they used a saw and now i have a scar from the base of my little toe to the middle of my foot.

Yea, I've broken my collerbone.

One time I was playing in the playground in the morning of school in Grade 3.

I was running and playing Tiggy at the same time, I tripped over my Shoe-lace and then fell on a pointy pit and hit my Collerbone. I was on the ground crying of pain.. I couldn't move my head or my neck. It was heaps painful.

Them someone's mother helped me up and I went to the principals office.

They sent me home and then to the docters.

Ever since then..


no cuz im careful and not dumb duuuuuuuuuuuuh
ummn, people don't break bones because they're dumb.

and being careful doesn't always help,

it can happen at any minute.

like my brother this past july..

he was a skate park on his bike,

well.. he was in the middle of a trick,

but someone cut him off,

and he passed out, and slammed his face into the ramp.

he broke three front teeth and his right wrist.

and then my aunt johana dislocated her knee because she had an anxiety attack,

she hit her knee when she fell.

and my cousin john john got hit by a car with my grandma,

and broke his nose.

and in april my cousin john ford was working on a building (steel worker)

something happened, and he fell off the building..

he broke his neck when he hit a medal rod.

(he died. if you live in florida, you may have heard about this accident.)

so yeah, accidents happen.

and none of these were their faults.

a lot of bad luck in my family lately.

Yeah I broke my two middle fingers and my leg. When I was horseback riding last year my friend (er well she was 21 at the time) and I went on a trail ride. I was riding a new horse to get him used to the trail and all our canter spots. I was bareback (no saddle) which wasn't the smartest thing to to, but it seemed like he was bomb proof. Anyway we got to one of our canter/gallop spots which are fairly safe because they are all up hill so a horse would get tired easily. I got the horse to gallop and I was taking it slow (he sped up because he thought it was a race) when all of a sudden he spooks at some hikers who were yelling "Call 911 the horses are running away!" . Jack (the horse) skittered to the side, slammed on his brakes, rears, and almost tumbles backwards (as we were on a hill). I slide off his tail end sticking my hands out behind me to break my fall. I bent my middle fingers backwards and broke them at the joint so I couldent move them. Of course, I, being the idiot I am, get back on and finish the gallop and the rest of the trail. When I got home my fingers were all black and blue when I got home so my neighbor took me to the emergency room where I got a splint. March 17 of 2007 I broke my leg. I was sking (I usally snowboard but I am fairly good at sking) and I was going over a jump. Then a snowboarder bashes into me and I go tubling down the jump. One of the skis automaticaly deattaches like it should when something hits it to hard and the other one doesn't. I got to ride down the rest of the mountian in a sled though!

no cuz im careful and not dumb duuuuuuuuuuuuh
It isn't being dumb if it was done by accident. Gosh... Well anyway I don't know if I posted in this topic or not but no I haven't broken any bones but I got close to breaking my finger pushing my sister on the swing and almost getting my finger stuck in the loop. DX

I've never broken any bones, but I have jammed my joint in my foot D:

It hurt really bad. I couldn't walk for 3 days.

But, that's about it.

no cuz im careful and not dumb duuuuuuuuuuuuh
So, you mean to say that everyone who has broken a bone is dumb or isn't careful?

What a crude generalization.


I've not broken any of my bones.

I think it's all the milk I drink.

I've hurt myself pretty bad, but none of those times have I broken a bone.

Maybe I'm just lucky.

I broke my arm when I was 6 I fell out the bath ^.^ I landed on it.

I'm lucky, never really sprained or broke a bone.

I broke my nose. It was in a car accident. xP All I remember was blood on my dress. And me screaming idiot to the person who crashed into us. =)

Yep. I had to get surgery. =|

It was about four years ago..So yeah. No worries.

paper*cut and Becca:

*Claps* Wonderfully said! :eek:

Shattered my right little finger.

Broken my ankle four times.

Same ankle popped out recently.

Fractured my wrist in 5 places.

Broken elbow.

Shoulder bone popped out.

Cracked my clavicle (Which hurt like hell)

I hurt mylelf a lot but luckily, I diddn't breack any bones.

Times where I crashed into stuff:

One time I crashed into my grandpa's TV then waited 5 minutes then fell down the stairs.

Crashed into walls 18 times. Cannot explain all of them.

Ran into my cousin's bed because I thought that there was a vampire.

Times when I sprained something:

When I fell off the eighth step from the bottom. I sprained my ankle.

Times when someone sat on me:

Someone in my class pushed another girl in my class (by mistake) and she fell on my face!!! Now I have a scar. :angry:

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