Have you ever had surgery?


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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2006
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Well, it's simple. Have you ever had surgery? Or at least a procedure? I have, but I don't wanna share. Just explain what in the heck you are takling about and what the doctors did. Ugg...surgery... *shutters*

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Yes, I have had surgery.

When I was 4 I needed to get my tonsils removed. My tonsilitis was so bad I used to stop breathing several times during the night because my tonsils were so huge.

I actually remember it clearly. I was pushed along the corridor by one of those wheelchair things just before my surgery. Then I was taken into the theatre and they gave me the needle. I woke up, couldn't talk, and my mouth was extremely sore. I remember having ice cream and jelly shortly after. Then I can remember there was an older boy playing with one of them Fischer Price railway toys. I was trying to tell mum that I wanted a go, but she had no idea what I was talking about :eek:

Nope. I hope I never have to. It scares me thinking of someone cutting into you....>.<

yes, for several different reasons.

1. I like to get on my roof, and once, I fell. I shattered the knee on my right leg and had to be taken to the hospital.

2. I had my tonsils removed and adenoids removed.

3. I had a surgery on my thought because it got infected from the tonsils extraction

4. and my mom parked on me one (accident, I suppose?) and I still cant feel much in my right foot.

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Yes, but nothing major.

Adnoidectomy, they were enlarged and swollen, it was no big deal though.

Axie^ That sounds... incredibly painful? Yeah.

story of my life- falling and getting under your feet (tires?)

the only real painful one was the shattering, because the parking is like being sat on by a 2 ton+ older brother and my through has always been a little scratchy.

did your adenoids make you snore at night, too?

Yeah. Once. I had my appendix removed. It was about to rupture or something and they sent me downtown. It was kinda excitting. But somewhat scary. The best part was missing two weeks of PE when I went back to school. The worst part for not being able to walk for three days.

When I was 6 or 7 I had to get surgery on my stomache. I think something was wrong with one of the valves and I kept barfing. xP I woke up with a huge needle in my arm. x.x

More surgery is soon to come from the way I live. lolz

I had eye surgery when I was like 5. I remember they had to put me to sleep and I woke up later and had no idea what happened. :angry:

I've had two surgeries, nothing serious and only one invasive.

The first one was when I was 10. I had a wart on my wrist that wouldn't go away xP So they had to cut it out. I have a big scar on my wrist from it.

The second was my lithotripsy when I was 16 for my kidney stone.

I have had a total of 4 surgeries.

1: The C-section from when my son was born.

2: Gall Bladder removal surgery.

3: Drainage surgery for my pancreas (which wouldnt have needed to be done if they had prevented the gall bladder problem in the first place lol)

4: Major surgery (almost died) where they reinflated my left lung, put 4 drain tubes into my stomach, put a chest tube in, and sewed open the cyst in my pancreas and sewed it to my stomach so it could drain permanently.

They said unless I get another bout of pancreatitis, I shouldnt need any surgery like that again. Long story, if you want to know all the details just PM me lol dont want to bore those who arent interested.

Well, I've only had one surgery. And I actually had a choice to have it or not! :p

But...It's a little to personally for me to be telling everyone. But basically I got something removed. X_X

BUT OMGOSH~ The surgery was so creepy! They kept me awake. But gave me a needle so I wouldn't feel anything.

But the fact that I knew what they were doing. And I could feel what they were doing. (But I felt no pain)

Was just so creepy! O___O"

Uggg...Getting the stitches on, felt the creepiest! O.O" lol

Yes, I have had a Surgery before.


When I was 2 years old, I was adopted and my adopted parents found out that I had a Cleff Palet on the roof of my mouth. Everytime I would eat something, it would come out my nose. It was very bad for me to have that Cleff Palet cause I wouldn't be able to eat anything, and I would get skinnier, and skinnier. But they have fixed it, and now I can eat normal! :D



I have a wart that wont go away o.oDo I have to get surgery D=
The surgery for it was a last resort type of thing.

We tried freezing it off and cutting it off numerous times but nothing worked.

The wart I had was huge D:

You can kind of seen the scar in this picture.


Thankfully my tattoo takes away some of the obviousness.

If the wart is small, it can most likely be frozen off. The problem with mine is that it had gotten so big that the root had buried itself too far into my wrist, so they had to get the whole root out.

Some warts go away on their own. I had a few on my hands, and after a while they just disappeared. I used to have planter warts on my feet, but they went away not too long after I had gotten them

I can still feel a bump from where two were on my hand, so I'm not sure if it went down or is just dormant.

I think it really just depends on size and how long they've been there. The one on my wrist I had for a good 4-5 years before I had the surgery.

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^ Wow. 5 years? That's really long, SK.

But it should go away, shouldn't it? I mean, you could freeze it off if you wanted...but it should go....

^ Wow. 5 years? That's really long, SK.
But it should go away, shouldn't it? I mean, you could freeze it off if you wanted...but it should go....
All of mine went away on their own, other than the one I mentioned.

If it bothers you, you can always ask your doctor to try freezing it. I had a few skintags frozen off. It's kind of annoying, but it works well.

Surgery is always a last resort xP

i broke my leg on somthing called a "groth plate' wich is the bone that grows as u get older to keep up with your body. well it was a really bad break and my ankle was gonna grow all wrong o.0 so i had surgrey the doctors said that if i had waited on more month then i would have been in a wheel chair for the rest of my life!!! o.0 but luckily they fixed it before that would eer happen so now im all fine'n'stuff ^.^

But the fact that I knew what they were doing. And I could feel what they were doing. (But I felt no pain)
Isnt that weird?! They didnt knock me out for my drainage surgery and thought I couldnt feel the pain of the incision and stuff, I could still feel the pressure and the tugging and pulling and stuff. Eventually I started crying because the pressure was hurting so much (you take a blunt object and puncture it through your stomach and pancreas and see how it feels even with numbing agents lol). Its kinda like when you get the novicane at the dentists, if they numb you up right you cant feel the pain, but you can feel the pressure and stuff.

As for the warts, I have warts on my fingers that go away and come back all the time. They are small and itch a little every once in a while when they are there, but not enough for me to bother with getting them frozen off. I had a huge one on my thumb (not as big as SK's though) that they froze off and I have a small scar but it never came back. I have a thing on the left side of the heel on my left foot that the doctors say they dont know what it is lol it looks like a weird wart but it isnt, it isnt a tumor, it isnt anything but a mass of hard skin....but its not a callus lol its been there since the day I was born, they said if it doesnt cause me problems and doesnt get bigger, then just leave it lol.

So unless your wart is causing you problems (like if its on your hand and it catches on things and stuff) or gets bigger, I would say leave it, it will probably go away on its own, but if not you can have the doc freeze it off, its not a pleasant feeling getting it frozen off seeing as they literally freeze/burn it off. Its like dry ice or something that they use and it kills it off. There are also over the counter treatments you can use like Dr Scholls Wart Remover (or something like that), I used it before and it took like 2 or 3 rounds of treatment but it worked.

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