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unfortunatly i have had quite a few tamagotchi's that have died. mostly because i was at school and didnt know about pausing... but now i know and can stop it! :(

I've had quite a few that have died.

Most died due to old age, but some have died from my lack of care. xP

When my first Tamagotchi died, I had no idea that it died and I kept wondering what the "floaty thing with wings" on the screen was. I checked the instruction manuel and had a small "funeral" for my first Tama, which consisted of leaving my dead character with a flower layed across the screen for a day. I was very serious about my Tamagotchi's "horrible death". :D

Ya, i've had 5 tamas that died. I don't care, it wasn't my fault. i lost my tamas, and found them dead. but know i pause them every time i leave them somewhere

around 10 or so of them have died, because this was the first couple months i had them, so i didnt exactly know HOW to keep them from dying... one of mine was around 80 pounds while they were still a baby... but for about 2-3 years now, none of them have died.

Hehe, let's just say I was too emptyheaded to realize that a 'pause' button existed... *sigh*. And I liked that Tama too.... >_<
oh, pause is clicking the left and middle buttons, not necissarily having one button to press...

Yup, but it wasn't that big of a deal for me. I accidentally misplaced my tamagotchi for two days and when I finally found it again it had a little egg thing with angel wings on it. But I didn't cry or anything, it's just a virtual pet.

I've had two. RIP Mia and Goldy. Thinking about them brings back such haunting memories, Mia lived 3 1/2 years ago and life was so great then. Goldy only lived a year ago, but although I didn't cry when she died, I loved her so much her death hurt me desperately.

As for 'it's only a virtual pet', when Mia lived, it was very real then, she was alive to me.

I am very careful, but sometimes I make mistakes, and several of my tamas have got into the dying pose... I downloaded them, though.

yea! But it was an accident! all 3 of my v5s died 'cause i got rushed 2 da hospital from food poisoning! Cures u fooooood! DX

I've had my tama so long... but when I go somewhere it dies! I can't go to the shops with it because they'll think i've stolen it!

oh my poor tamas,

be4 i came to this site they keept dieing over and over i didnt have time 4 them then,

and now i feel really guilty...

:( :( :( I've had 2 already... SO SAD! :) WAAAHH! It really hurts :( I hate myself for being stupid dumb caretaker! :angry: :angry: :angry: I'M SO SORRY! :(

R.I.P beloved tamas *sob* :(

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I was only 6 when it happened. It was a P1 tamagotchi. (I know old, right?) It was a moms.

It had no "Pause" function yet. (OR mabye it did) And i left for school.

I came back with poop all over the screen...and i left it there and it died.

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