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I don't have a rabbit. But they smell awful anyway. My mom doesn't want us to have one because she says they crap to much XD

Considering they smell horrible dry, I don't even want to know what they smell like wet XD
They DO NOT smell bad dry!!! :huh:

*Edited - No need to yell (we can all read quite well in normal sized font) :huh: *

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They DO NOT smell bad dry!!! :angry:
I used to have a rabbit, and yes they do.

Calm down. If you don't want people's opinions, don't make threads. That's what you're going to get.

And yes, they poo too much. Hamsters do too. They're both dry. I've had both rabbits and hamsters. The only difference is cage size, diet, and being. They both reek dry and wet, and they both poo too much.

Ive never given a bunny a bath, nor have i ever owned one so i have no idea.

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