Have you ever replaced one habit/addiction


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FOUR TIME Lifetime Angelgotchi
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
United States
I just noticed I have.

I was pretty much addicted to caffiene - if I didn't have any I would experience withdrawal.

Now I don't drink it as often, and I wondered why.

Then I noticed I was drinking excess OJ - so I assume I'm addicted to oranges or vitamin C now. xD

Have you ever done anything similar with addictions, things you do often or habits?

I don't really remember having any addictions.

Edit; Actually I do

I was addicted to ordering phone charms, but now I'm addicted to tamagotchi's & buying them.

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I've replaced Neopets with Pokemon. >D Whee.

Hmmm. Tamagotchis as well have been replaced with Pokemon. *nodnod*

I've replaced Neopets with Pokemon. >D Whee.Hmmm. Tamagotchis as well have been replaced with Pokemon. *nodnod*
And Inuyasha was replaced with Naruto...

Pokemon was replaced by Inuyasha....

Swimming was replaced by teh Internet....

Childhood was replaced by Pre-Teenhood....

I was addicted to soda

then I did not drink it anymore

now i'm addicted to water which is a good thing but my mom thinks i'm sick or something

I used to love Vanessa hudgens. But now I LOVE Hannah/Miley.

I used to not drink with a staw.... now I do drink with a staw...

Ok here you are chart of PockyGirl's Addiction switches:

Harvest Moon>Tamagotchi>Ghosthunters>Repeat cycle

I'll get obcessed with something for months and then just move on to another one of my obsessions, its a little sad really. D':

Hm.. I just get over things, I guess. >__> Really can't think about the last time I had an addiction to something, maybe naruto but I replaced that with common sense. .__.

Tamatalk replaced Neopets.....

Webkinz replaced Club Penguin....

Betta fish replaced stuffed animals and cats....

Nestea replaced pop......

Flavoured water replaced water.....

(like Meowbark said) Pre-Teenhood replaced Childhood

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I replaced coke with lemonade mixed with coke. I still haven't matured out of childhood. xD

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