Have you ever seen a fake TAMAGOTCHI?


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Have you ever seen a fake TAMAGOTCHI?

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I was shopping with my mum when I saw a girl buying a tamagotchi.

She screamed"this is not a tamagotchi,it's something like,II-I don't know"

Luckily the shopkeeper gave her her money back. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^


at the dollarama the batteries have run out and the picture is blured :furawatchi:

*sarcastic* Oh, I've only seen about a MILLION!

Have you been to China? Every tamagotchi there is fake and the real ones are overly expensive. Ditto that.

No but my friend says she saw one with a tarakotchi as a sticker instead of a mimitchi sticker.

To SuPeR cRiSTY10 the fakes die every morning even if they have good health. They have more than 3 buttons not including the reset one. >.>

i haven't seen them for sale(except on eBay),but i've seen pictures of them

i acidentaly bought one off of e-bay! it didnt even work, and where the computer chicps and wires were supposed to b, there was only cardboard. luckily he gave me my money back!

After reading through the warnings in this forum I went out today to check out the tamagotchis for sale. Most of the large chain stores (kmart, big W etc) had genuine tamas. I was shocked at how many fakes were for sale from stall shops in the malls and in the dollar bargain shops. Some were very obvious fakes, others were very clever rip offs. :unsure:

*sarcastic* Oh, I've only seen about a MILLION!
Have you been to China? Every tamagotchi there is fake and the real ones are overly expensive. Ditto that.
Im half chinese!!!!!! And they are not all fake! I go there all the time and ive never seen a fake one there and i got all my 3 from china!

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