Have you ever thought of suicide?


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ice mountain

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
River Falls, Wisconsin

I'm just wondering how many people on TT have ever thought of suicide, please don't turn this into a flame war, trust me, I KNOW it could happen.


Personally, I've thought of suicide, but I've never actually THOUGHT of what it was going to be like sitting there. Killing myself.


Please post (and keep the PG-13 details to yourself..if there are any)

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This topic should be in Seriously Non-TamaTalk but anyway.... yes. My last year of highschool was a really bad time in my life for me. I became really depressed. I thought about it quite a lot that year. Then Springtime came and I started feeling less depressed.

Seriously though if anyone here feels like that go get help because as much as you think this world doesn't need you it does. There are people who do love and care about you out there.

yeah I thought about it...it was sort of a mix of had bad school days with a reallly bad day at home.

No, to be honest, I never have. I did have a few days when I wished I could crawl into a dark corner with a computer (XD Tamatalk!) and never come out. Also days when I wished I could die, but I neve seriously or briefly considered comitting suicide. If I ever do, I want to get past University first. :angry:

And this should be in Non-Tamatalk.

this is a weird question, i've never thought about it and hopefully never will. i know i will regret it later anyway.

Mmmm...yes. Last year was a really bad year to me...and i became depressed...and started to harm myself...but I realized that a lor of people love and care of myself (when my mom realized what was happening she almost die)

Nobody is a waste of space! Everyone is here for something! Enjoy it...

No..I never did.

I have a perfectly fine life. Nice friends..good boyfriend..and if I performed suicide that is like saying to god 'I quit.' and it would be a waste.

Well I dont thinks really nice thing to think................ but i have. i actually almost did but i stopped myself just in time! :mellow:

Well I dont thinks really nice thing to think................ but i have. i actually almost did but i stopped myself just in time! :mellow:
................you? How were you going to do it?

yes, I have, never realy seriusly, but last night.......yes :eek: , I did want to die, it's kinda a hard time in my life right now, I'm having a sort of war with myself, look at the bottom of my profile to see what i mean. :(

In all honesty, Yes, and I tried. I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder when I was 17 [i am now 20]. I have been on medication for a few years and fought off the illness well, but in January of 2006 two of my best friends left my house and hit a tree going 120mph in a camaro. They both died on impact. At that point, meds couldnt even help me. So I attempted to OD. They were both so young and talented, it just wasnt fair!! Of course after I did it I immediately called an ambulance and got to the hospital. I went to rehab, and with the love and support of my family and friends, I now lead a perfectly normal and happy life. I still go to my therapist every month, but I enjoy the visits now, and we have pleasant conversations rather than tearful sessions.

A lot of people judge what they dont understand. Some people honestly cant help the thoughts they think because of illness or extreme strain going on in their lives. But we are all here for a reason, and we learn from our mistakes.

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