Have you ever wondered...


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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2009
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...What would've happened if you made different choices in your life?

I'm too tired to think of any major, life-changing choices I've made so I'll come back to this later.

[SIZE=7pt]I think about it all the time. Especially when I'm about to sleep. [/SIZE]

And I haven't made.. life changing choices, I've made stupid ones that I wish I could fix. Maybe it would fix my history a bit.

I haven't really made any life-changing decisions. I'm a bit too young for that.

There are things that I wonder if I did differently how they would impact my life.

Well....like the other two that posted on here, I havent made really big ones, but i guess every decision you make affects your life. I've made some pretty stupid ones though, and like most people, I have regrets. But for my answer to the question, yah, I have wondered, mostly before bed-time

I made a topic about this a while ago. So basically, yes, I think about choices a lot.

I wonder about the choices my parents have made for me. Like if we didn't move back home from Ohio when I was three. Or if my dad would have moved my family and me to China when I was six. Or if we would have moved to Texas when I was eleven or twelve. (I obviously think about moving a lot... we haven't moved much at all, but we've considered it a lot. I love to dream about different places and how different things would be if I were located differently.)

If I would have taken algebra I in seventh grade. If I would have continued playing the flute and am now in marching band. If I never would have picked up guitar. If I didn't take photography this year. These choices have influenced who I am around most of the time, which has a direct influence on me.

If I decided to drugs. My high school is full of foreign substance, even though we have tons of security. I know how to get marijuana if I really wanted it. I know multiple sources and who to talk to. But yet I somehow have decided to stay away from it.

Which brings me to thinking about the household where I grew up. What if my parents didn't raise me as a Catholic Christian? I don't know where I'd be. The Lord is the biggest influence in my life. He guides me and keeps me focused and on track. If I didn't know him, I don't think I'd be in a good place.

I'm in a great place in life right now, and I really wouldn't change a thing. But yet I always wonder and ponder the littlest details... I'm monotonous and paranoid like that. :x

Yes, yes I do.

And I wouldn't change anything about my life, if I could.

Mehhh, I don't really think about that kind of stuff very much. :|I like to keep a clear head. It's good for your blood pressure. xD
Same here. (;

I don't really make life-changing choices. I've got a laid back lifestyle. Nothing serious has ever happened. I'm a pretty strong person that can handle things well when they come up but nothing life changing.

Edit; Rewording a few things.

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I do wonder, but i haven't really made any life changing decisions yet. I tend to be rather easy going, so i don't worry that much about this sort of stuff. in fact, i should probably get into the habit of thinking a bit more before making decisions, but that doesn't matter too much to me right now.

Well, if I never took swimming lessons in grade two, life would be a lot better. Seriously, I'd have a lot more friends than I do now (I have like three, if that)

If I had never "made juice" with my friends in grade three, if I had never went over to my neighbours house during the summer of '04, if I never listened to dad and actually did give my friend her toy back, if I just went in the pool 7 years ago instead of running home, if I had never went to Sunday school when I was five, and if I never found a loop hole to every problem that came my way, then I wouldn't have the enemies I had today.

Then the most recent one. If I had never invited Courtney and Sasha over, if I had never brought out those bouncy balls, if I had never charged my camera, if I never agreed to having a 'midnight party' with them, then I wouldn't have lost them as friends.

So yeah, there was a lot of things I could have done to have a better life, but I don't mind. There's nothing I can do about it now.

I think about a lot of choices I've made that would change things.

I didn't make this choice, but if I hadn't moved to the UK; I wouldn't be sitting here right now, on TT. I would probably be a asleep (it's like midnight in SA. And I wouldn't have a laptop or phone to keep me company, so sleep it would be).

Other things like.. If I'd been more confident at school, would I have ended up in the situation I'm in?

If I had become more sporty and ate right, would I still have to deal with spots?

If I had never heard of Nevershoutnever!. THAT IS SERIOUSLY A VERY DEPRESSING THOUGHT.

If I wasn't a Christian? This is question I think about most; along with the moving to the UK thing. If I wasn't raised a Christian, would I become one by my own decision? Would I choose a different religion? Would I be an atheist? I'm sure, if I wasn't raised by Christian parents, I would still want something in my life to hold on to, to talk to when no one else was there. But then again, would I? :eek:

Ooh, I'm getting all into this now. Lawlz.

So yes. I do indeed wonder. :)

But I guess deep down, I wouldn't change anything. Sure, I might sometimes wonder what would of happened had I said the 'right thing' to a boy or something stupid, but I wouldn't change it.

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