Have you ever?


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No. I'm not allowed. I'd probably be grounded for the rest of my life if so.

HYE licked a pen?

Yus :)

HYE Walked into a room, only to find that boys/girls are changing, then run out screaming 'NOOOOOO D: "

[it happened to me ): ]

Yes! It was a dare! xP (They taste bricky. :]D)

HYE licked a window? (I licked a window before, on my bus, it was a dare. xDD)

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I don't think so? xD I don't know. D:

HYE been to a store and then you see a classmate, and you go up to them and say 'Oh my gosh! Hii!' and then they totally ignore you? [Happened to me ): ]

no i hate public transportation.

have you ever jumped from the second story of a house? (i have, into a big pile of snow, with tons of snowgear on, when i was, like eight)

Almost : P

HYE Ran around school screaming "I'M AN ELEPHANT!"

[i did that, It was fun : D]

No, I happen to say worse. :)

HYE say something bad, obviously too loud, and the whole class gasp and stare at you? Then everyone bursts out in laughter


HYE got a magazine, and drew all over the celeberties face?

[i have, today. xP]

No. But my sister did. In one of my magazine she wrote "Sarah" on every picture of a certain celebrity in permanent marker pen. I was cross.

HYE jumped off a tall building?

Yes xP

HYE wanted a pet but, your parents never let you have one? D:

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