Have you heard of DOOMSDAY?


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Actually the earth could very well end that day....


One scientific explination is that every 11th year the sun switches poles (north pole, south pole). The last time this happened was in 2001. The next time this will happen is December 21st 2012. Scientists predict that the sun will move too quickly towards the opposite pole and its magnectic field will pull Earth closer to it; burning out the human race. Or, if the Earth comes gets pushed away from the sun it will cut out all electricity and we'll freeze.

This is predicted to happen because each time the sun switches pole, it moves more quickly. It has to do with magnetic forces.


All, every calander ends on that day. Coincidence? In the bible it says that Jesus will rise again on that day......well, thats more from a religious point of view.


Hm....although this is a scary thought, what happens if on that day we are all talking on Tamatalk and suddenly the Earth explode and we're all dead. x.x (I have to stop thinking about this!!)

Actually the earth could very well end that day.... 

One scientific explination is that every 11th year the sun switches poles (north pole, south pole). The last time this happened was in 2001. The next time this will happen is December 21st 2012. Scientists predict that the sun will move too quickly towards the opposite pole and its magnectic field will pull Earth closer to it; burning out the human race. Or, if the Earth comes gets pushed away from the sun it will cut out all electricity and we'll freeze.

This is predicted to happen because each time the sun switches pole, it moves more quickly. It has to do with magnetic forces.


All, every calander ends on that day. Coincidence? In the bible it says that Jesus will rise again on that day......well, thats more from a religious point of view.


Hm....although this is a scary thought, what happens if on that day we are all talking on Tamatalk and suddenly the Earth explode and we're all dead. x.x (I have to stop thinking about this!!)
Wow...when I looked it up something COMPLETLY different came up. It was something that didin't sound .01% at all scientific. Now that I know about what it's really about (xD) I think it might happen. x.x


It would be wierd to die while talking on TamaTalk...very weird. o.o


I would be so young if I were to die then...not even in my 20's Dx


well anyways...I'm going to do some more reserch on it. ^.^"

Ow. Yeah, like what if I am about to turn in this really long report and then the world explodes? So much for hard work x.x

I won't even get to graduate if that happens (I doubt it will). All my hard work will go down the drain (and my mom said that she would buy me a ticket to Japan if I did well in High School T_T)

Other stuff I heard...


Speculation over the 2012 cycle change has spurred a growing cottage industry. Amazon.com shows more than 100 books on the subject, with titles like "Doomsday 2012" and "2012: You Have a Choice!" A number of spirituality conferences are already convening. This month in New Mexico, spiritual seekers will gather for a "2012 Ascension Symposium," which promises to "offer humanity global reassurance and change the Consciousness of the world"; metaphysics author Geoff Stray is giving a series of lectures on 2012 throughout 2006 and 2007, including at the UFO Conference in Nevada in February and a "Healing Conference" in Jericho, Israel, in May.



To add to the frenzy, it just so happens that the years building up to 2012 mark an unusual astronomical alignment, one so rare it occurs only in 30 out of every 26,000 years. During this period, the Sun will make its annual crossing of the galactic equator—the plane that bisects the Milky Way as it appears in the sky—on the same day as the winter solstice. So what does all this mean? A small group of doomsayers believe a life-ending cataclysm is on the horizon. Patrick Geryl, a Belgian researcher, says he believes the alignment will trigger a reversal in the magnetic fields of the Sun, causing it to get 10 or 20 times hotter, which will reverse the Earth's rotation on its axis and flood its inhabitants (mainstream astronomers don't agree).



Meso-American scholars are far less concerned. In Mayan cosmology, time proceeds in cycles—not in a straight line. "The world collapses, but then it gets reborn," says Davíd Carrasco, professor of Latin American religions at Harvard University. (The Maya believe the same thing happens when the Sun rises and sets each day.) Literary-magazine editor Daniel Pinchbeck, author of "2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl," sees the new cycle as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. Instead of looking at the completion of the 5,125-year cycle as "the end," Pinchbeck suggests that 2012 "could be more like the birth of the world."


((I copied and pasted this from beliefnet.com))

Let us say that prophecy is lined up with physical events, there is no greater event in history when the solar system passing the equatorial ‘time’ line of the Galaxy. This effect the sun, as passing that line must start the reversal of the orbits of the planets as well as the sun’s internal twist, which is a twisting on its axis every 29 days with another within it. What will occur as we run towards that date? We know the weather and quakes are predicted to occur, increasing as the earth is continually wrenched by magnetic forces as within the twisting is like the sun. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Here Jesus is saying that the strange events must take place, for this is caused by the galactic equator as we draw near to it.

Know doubt the words I have spoken on this matter will leak out and more and more confirmation will occur until the masses will start to panic. This motion must change attempting to reverse causing the orbits of the planets to start slowing towards a reversal. This is what killed the Dinosaurs, the solar system is like a yoyo, passes up through the galaxy, ends time when is passes through the galaxy centre line, carries on, reverses the planets direction as the sun runs out of momentum to fall back southward, passes the centre line thousands of years on, kills off the earth creatures, starts again with a few survivors, eventually starts back northward passes the equator kills off the animals and so on back and forth. With the much talked about reptilian destruction 66.6 million years ago that occurred way back then, the asteroid orbits round the earth decayed and were drawn into the path or towards a direct hit with the earth and took out life as its power was translated into an ice age as it hit the earth covering it with ash and clouds for years, no sunlight no life.

(Copied and pasted from holyconpiracy.com)

hahaha that is never going to happen! that is redicuiolous (lol, idk how 2 spell dat)

Yes, everyone also thought the world would end on June 6th, 2006, at midnight December 31st, 1999, and in December 2005. Seriously, it's not going to happen. Their calenders probably ended because that was the last day of their year, and why would they want to keep making calanders for over 2000 years into the future?
After December 21st, 2012, they're just going to find another date for the world to end.
Two things.

1. You're right

2. June 6, 2006 was my friend's birthday o.o'

Don't any of you understand a single bit of this? The only reason why we're panicking is because some ancient people way back before our time predicted this, and the calendars end on that day. Calendars aren't so significant as to make the world pop.

They're only trying to scare us.

[SIZE=14pt]"Hey guys! I'm a super scientist! I can predict everything! The world is going to end 1 second after you read this! I know everything! You've gotta believe me! Take cover people!"[/SIZE]

Did you just believe me when I said I'm a super scientist? I don't think so. So this dude in the B.Cs said the excact same thing as me (with a different date) and you believe him!?

This guy in my class came running saying the world gonna end in 5 years and he was freaked out and said he heard it on the raido. Everyone was freaked out. Except me.

I'm actually a HUGE superstition person, but this? Stop freaking out people!

I hate thinking about this kinda thing. Not because im afraid it will happen, or of death, but what comes after death. So im just hoping your wrong.

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All that stuff about the sun or earth or whatever flipping//

No matter what happens,the earth rotates around the sun in a perfect circle. Even if it flipped right now,who cares? It'd be the opposite of now,we wouldn't move at all. 2012....

That was a date in the bible,correct? Maybe it's just religious superstition. And about the calenders....I think some guy prophicided the end back then,so they just felt no need to continue// In my opininion,for now,the worst threat to humanity is a black hole//

I was reading up on it on the internet....and now I'm scared! o.o 

Watch the video about it here: https://www.december212012.org/
Oh PUHLEASE! That's bunch of crap. You have nothing to worry about, TDG. :p

I don't believe in "Doomsday". They have had many before. When December 12th, 2012 comes, we will still be here. I think the Mayans didn't go any further, because they might have been tired! I mean, after all, they DID make a 2000 year calander. That's got to be exhausting!

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Oh PUHLEASE! That's bunch of crap. You have nothing to worry about, TDG. :)
I don't believe in "Doomsday". They have had many before. When December 12th, 2012 comes, we will still be here. I think the Mayans didn't go any further, because they might have been tired! I mean, after all, they DID make a 2m00 year calander. That's got to be exhausting!

Yes, the world will end, but in about 5 trillion years. If not more.

And besides, how would they make calenders for that far? This is all a bunch of myths.

If jesus does decide to come back that day, I know were Im going! Hey, Next to god, Science knows nothing. God knows when he's comeing back. Science cant prove that. Only the bible can. (Wich does say he's comeing back pretty soon) Well science may be able to porve that. I gotta look it up.

To TGD: look girl! If we die, we die! theres nothing we can do about it!

plus, look we get past it, oh no! 2013 on friday the 13 is here! what ever will we do? Oh no! 2031 October 31 @ night ghostwill attack! no no no! see how silly that sounds? this date were we do die is just as bad. think about it.

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The world isn't ending in 2012. People said it was going to end in 2000. Did it? Everyone is still here. Not everyone belives in god or Jesus, either. I don't know if bringing reilgion into an argument is a good idea or not.

We don't follow the Mayan calander. As I also pointed out. No everyone here belives in God, Jesus or is a Christan. The Bible has been rewritten ove rthe years and if I am not mistken, Reilgion was created by a person or people.

The only "Doomsday" I foresee are the people who are going ape over this and commiting Suicide over it.

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