Heart's Desire


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ooc: Been busy, sorry.

Marcus just sighed. Your makeups fine." he told her, rolling his eyes and climbing out of the pool. Wrapping a towel around himself, Marcus walked out of the pool and to his room. "Girls, they're all the same." he muttered.

(lol, i'm restarting. sorry about before. D:)

Name: Sabrina

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long brown hair, dark & deep brown eyes, long legs, she is about 5'6.

Personality traits: She can be stubborn, extremely loud, girlish but she can act like a boy, pretty strange. Oh, and she tends to overreact.

History: just, no.

Room/ Suit: Which are available? lol.

Other: This is pretty much me.;D

"Thanks," Shaula muttered, wringing out her long black/brown hair, then added under her breath, "Water.. I hate water." She leaned over to the pool and checked her appearance in the pool. That boy she had met earlier.. was right. Aside from her washed-off eyeshadow and dripping-wet appearance, her makeup ensemble had kept pretty intact. Shaula sighed. Hopefully, she hadnt screwed up a first impression on someone she didn't even know. She headed straight back to her room, and collapsed on the bed.

(Hey sisforsoccer! Welcome to the RP, and since i realized I can't really think of a good male character I can use to hang out with yours (I tried, but character making can be hard), does anybody else want to make another guy?)

Sabrina walks into the mansion, gasping at the hugeness of this place. She ran upstairs to her room, (I decided on # 18. Unless that room is full. :p ) & dropped her bags on her bed. She decided to do a bit of exploring before unpacking, so she ran back downstairs and slowly roamed the castle like building.

(Ahh, this is hard, I'm trying to think of a good new character to make but it's hard, I already used my jock character and my more shy, reserved type so that leaves me with the choice of playing a delinquent type, a nerdy type, or a rude type.. Wait.. Bingo! I totally got the perfect idea! :D )

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Name: Landon Littlefield

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: A guy with black hair since he's asian (My first asian charrie ever lol), that's short and is ruffled. He uses some gel so it's a little spiky. He has hazel-green eyes and is halfway between a small frame and a medium frame. Pretty much a tall skinny dude in general.

Personality traits: (Actually a background lol, but I figured the story fits with the personality part) Because Landon has always been the tallest, things have definitely not been easy for him. Until high school, whenever he made friends with a group of people or a person, he was always betrayed or left out, to the point where Landon barely seemed to trust anybody anymore. By the time he hit high school, he finally found his talents with tech, ASB and swim. Life finally seemed to be better for him, but then his girlfriend cheated on him in sophomore for his best friend, leaving Landon to come here for the summer, untrusting and unhappy. So his personality traits are along the lines of this: Rude, Untrusting, Quiet and whenever somebody new approaches, it tends to be awkward due to the fact Landon's height and silentness scares them away. But the real Landon, buried underneath all the betrayals, is kind, considerate and warm.

Room/ Suit: 23. I think, I think it's open. Not too sure, but I checked some of the forms. Thinking about copypastaing all the forms onto the OOC page so we can see all the members and new people can know what suites are open. And so we can update it to become a list of couples.

Other: Doesn't really like his last name, or his name. His dad is American, but his mom is from Japan. Likes cats and has a silver American Shorthair tabby which he brought into the suite with him, named Rin.

(You're welcome! Anyway...)

Landon reluctantly entered the mansion, tempted to run away from the place. He had no interest in going to a place like this, a place where he would probably just end up being destroyed again. Unfortunately, his mom, being the romance novel lover she was, had totally jumped at the idea of this place when she saw the flyer that had advertised the place. She had been the one who had sent in his application to come here, too. He, on the other hand, had simply prayed the entire time that he wouldn't get picked to come here. But he had, so... Sighing, he walked up the stairs to the rooms, where here found his and opened it up. Dumping his luggage onto the bed, he plopped down next to it. Maybe he could hide in his room for the rest of the summer.

Shaula moaned as she turned over on her bed.

"I. Hate. This. Place."

Come to think of it, she was actually kinda hungry. So after drying her hair, and a quick change of clothing, she headed over to the kitchen to grab a cookie.

Blaze got up off the floor and went to his guitar. He strummed his fingers over the strings, relief flooding over him. The guitar was his best friend. It always seemed to do what he wanted it to do.

Angel tapped the oven, "so, what brought you to this place anyway?" Angel shoved her smooth hand to her face and rested her body weight on the nearest wall possible. Angel balanced on one foot and thumped the other one on the wall with her knee almost perfectly 90 degrees.

Cade sighed, and shook his head as he remembered the him that made the decision to come here. "Well, since I didn't feel like going to that stupid camp with the steroided up football players, I came here since the ad came in the mail, right after my girlfriend decided to dump me." He shrugged at that part. "So, yeah... I would rather not go into topic about her."

Shaula walked into the kitchen, ignoring Cade and Angel, grabbed a chocolate cookie straight from the top shelf, and nibbled on it as she walked away. She completely ignored the two other people in the kitchen, as if they weren't there at all.

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