Height, Weight, Body Image.


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I'm fourteen years old (girl), and I'm pretty comfortable with my body for the most part. I'm 5' 2" and three quarters and I weigh 107 pounds. My BMI is 19.6%, which is okay for me I guess.

Like I said before, I'm pretty much okay with my body. I play soccer and I exercise every morning, so it keeps me at a healthy weight.

I've grown taller and gained a little weight since I last posted.

Age: 14.

Height: 5'7

Weight: 119 pounds.

BMI: 18.6

I'm fairly comfortable with my body image. x3


Hieght: 5"4'

Weight: 100

I am comfy with my image, could weigh less. I mean I have nice boobs and bum. I've been doing Wii Fit so the perfect abs are on their way:) But, I sometimes wonder..are my boobs okay? Apparently everyone thinks they are... Still perky:) lol

Advice: For all you girls that think your so FAT. Be confident in yourself. Everyone is unique. Just think. No one else will ever be like you or be you:)

Age: 13 years, 10 months

Height: 4 feet, 10.5 inches

Weight: 73 lbs

BMI: 15.0

This means you are underweight, blah blah blah.

Story of my life. xD

I guess I'm pretty okay with my body, although sometimes I think my legs are too fat. x.x

I lost Some Weight, last time I weighed myself I was around 138-141.

Food just doesn't interest me anymore. Its like, I feel full after eating 3/4 of a playe of food, sometimes I even eat less than that. And I don't snack as much. I miss my food. I Feel weak and lightheaded all the time. I want to gain more weight, but I also like losing it too. Its a Love/Hate relationshop.

You have input the following:
Your sex is female

Your height is 5 ft. 10.9 in., or 180.1 cm.

Your weight is 128.0 lb., or 58.2 kg.

Your birthdate is 09/16/1993, so your age is 16 years 11 months.

If the above are not correct, please go back to the form and correct your input.

Your Results

Your height is greater than the 97th percentile.

That means that you are the tallest compared to 100 kids your age and sex.

Your weight is 63th percentile

That means you are 63th in weight compared to 100 kids your age and sex.

Your Body Mass Index is 17.9, which is the 12th percentile

That means that your BMI is 12th compared to 100 kids your age and sex.

You are neither underweight nor overweight according to health experts*.  Your weight is in the healthy range for your height and age.

The healthy weight range for your height and age is 122 to 179 pounds (56 to 81 kilograms).  This range corresponds to a BMI between the 5th and 85th percentiles for your age and sex.
I'm Chinese and thirteen. This means several things.

I'm short, I've got those slitty eyes everyone makes fun of, as well as flat, thin, boring hair that can never be dyed or colored in any way, shape or form due to all the pigment. My eyes are so black you can't see the pupils, not that it matters cause my eyes are too squished up to see the color any way.

I feel fat. My friend Lydia always she envies me, but I always feels like she's being condescending. Or pitying me. Or maybe she's being genuine, which fits more into her character, but I hate my body so much that I can't see it.

I ALWAYS skip breakfast, because at my school lunch is about an hour after it starts, and during summer it's just habit. When I'm at lunch, I usually get a bag of cheez its or something. After school I'm starving, so I stuff myself with whatever I can find. When it's time for dinner I'm not hungry so I skip it. Lather, rinse, repeat.

I'm in softball during spring and fall. From the time the snow melts on the ground to the time it starts falling again I do runs almost every day. In the summer I go to the pool every day, but I'm not on a team. I can run faster than most people in my grade, and everyone thinks I'm on steroids because of it.

Well, I'm;

Age: 13 yrs, 6 months

Height: 5'3 ft

Weight: 135

BMI: 23.9

I'm short and chubby, but I'd prefer it over being extremely fat or skinny.


I'm 5'3", and 90lbs. My BMI is 15.9 which is underweight. According to the BMI index, the proper weight for my height should be 110lbs.

Both my parents were skinny and then filled out later in life, so I'm not going to worry.


Age: Thirteen

Height: 5'7 / 170cm

Weight: 112lbs / 52kg

BMI: 17.5

I've put on weight, shocking.

But I'm still considered slightly underweight?

Age: Fifteen.

Height: 5 ` 2 / approx. 157 cm.

Weight: 103 lbs / approx. 47 kg.

BMI: 18.9.

Surprisingly pleasant results, but I wish I would just put on a bit more weight.

I look a little too thin. \:

Age : 13

Height : 5'4

Weight : 95lbs

BMI : 16.3

My mom says I'm gaining a lot of weight cause I eat a lot : \ I've put on some weight over the summer, cause I don't exercise as much. I'll probably lose it when school starts.

Age: Fourteen.

Height: Five feet, three and a half inches.

Weight: One hundred thirty five.

BMI: 50

I'm content. I don't appear large or wide, and my body is pretty healthy and I need to work on decreasing my BMI. Otherwise, I'm not disappointed at all, and glad I'm not a tooth pick who looks like I've been starving myself.

^ 8D That's so funny! What are the chances?

Yeah, I guess it's okay. I used to be even more underweight, but my doctor told me to have ice cream every day(I was happy to oblige) and I gained weight.

Pfft, apparently I've "lost too much weight". My mum's dragging me to see a doctor tomorrow because of my issues with not wanting to eat.

I'm 5 feet and 1 inch. About 95 pounds. It kind of sucks because I've gained 15 pounds over the course of the last year and a halfish. Summer of 09...I was 80 pounds and I feel really fat now. It's kind of hard because even my dad points it out too. And I had a phase when I would barely eat anything and I couldn't sleep and stuff. My thyroid medication, which I've been on for about 5 months or so now, made me really hungry. Apparently my metabolism was overworking or something. I don't know. I just know that I've been eating like a pig for the past 5 months and my weight has been increasing.

I really am not happy with my body and I probably should start losing weight in a healthy way.

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