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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2008
Reaction score
Hey everyone! I've stumbled upon this forum numerous times in the past and finally decided to join.

I've had tamas and other digital pets since day one. I had a period of time in which I didn't use them for a while, but now I have gotten back into the swing of things.

I'm 21 and majoring in psychology. I spend a lot of time on my computer, and love the tv show LOST. I like to think of my tamas as the pets that are allowed in my apartment. :lol:

The tama of my childhood is a pink tamagotchi angel.

I have a yellow gen 2 original tama that I bought online about a year ago since I never had a plain old tama when I was younger.

I got back into tamas around when the connection v3 came out. My friend and I searched high and low to get one, since we both were really into them back in the day.

So.. as far as the connections go I've got a v3, v4, v4.5, and v5.

I'll be getting a v6 for Christmas. :D

For some reason the img code wouldn't let my picture show up, so here is a link to..

my tama mini-collection :)

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Welcome to TamaTalk~

Its nice to see a person who really introduces himself/herself when they join TamaTalk.

Nice to meet you, and you can PM me whenever you like! :blink:

Thanks for the welcome! :mellow:

Do people not usually introduce themselves when they join?

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Of course they do :lol: well some of course....i didn't cuz i didn't know :3

Welcome to Tamatalk~Enjoy chatting about tamagotchi stuff and non tamagotchi stuff and etc. :D

enjoy tamatalking ok? :mellow:

If you have problems or anything please contact a guide or admin


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