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New member
Jan 2, 2008
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Hello everyone!!


:mellow: BuBuLaLa here!! Everyone calls me Bu!! Yup am a gal!!


I just got the most special christmas present from my best of friend, which is the Tamagotchi!!!

Which explains why I'm here hahahah!

[i came searching for how to get tamagotchi cell phone :huh: !!]


Currently my tama is into the 2nd generation and the parent just left this morning~

and the lil kid had just evolved into a drop of water haa! so cute!! :huh:


:) so...Douzo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!!! :huh:

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Hello everyone!! 

:p BuBuLaLa here!! Everyone calls me Bu!! Yup am a gal!!


I just got the most special christmas present from my best of friend, which is the Tamagotchi!!!

Which explains why I'm here hahahah!

[i came searching for how to get tamagotchi cell phone ;) !!]


Currently my tama is into the 2nd generation and the parent just left this morning~

and the lil kid had just evolved into a drop of water haa! so cute!! :angry:


:D so...Douzo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!!! :D
If you have a question, feel free to ask me! I've been asked numeress times, so I have experience! I can also crack some pretty funny jokes if you want to here about my camp, and some things that make my friends and I just giggle! I also read a lot, so tell me about YOUR favorite books! I bet i've probably heard of them before! If you are into comics, certain tv shows, play the flute, have an annoying sibbling , tamagotchi help,or just simpily want to chat, talk to me! (I'm also on numeres of websites, so feel free to talk to me about those, too!)

mametchi ;)

p.s. I'd be glad to be your friend!

Welcome to TT! You sure have nice friends... if only my friends would give me tamagotchis! There are lots of exiting things to do here like competitions and loads of cool people to chat with... and if you have a question or problem or just want to chat, chat, chat... you know where I am! (And if you don't... I'm here :D )

Welcome to TamaTalk!

Have a great time with your tamagotchi, feel free to ask for any help, :rolleyes:

Hope you have a great time at TamaTalk!

Oh, and that little drop of water is a Mizutamatchi! <3
