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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2012
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Hello! I forgot to properly introduce myself but better late than never eh? I first got into tamas when they first came out in the US in 1997. I only had one tama but a bunch of other random pets too. I recently got sucked back in and am excited to revived my collection, especially with the vintage tamas I never knew existed! I am hoping to be able to do some custumizations on some of my games in the near future and will post pictures if I ever finish :)

About me, I am about to finish university this spring with two degrees, one in Anthropology and one in Primate Behavior and Ecology. I've been lucky enough to be able to work with chimpanzees at my university and will be working with them again in the spring. I have two snarky but cute wiener dogs and a cat (who loves the dogs who are terrified of her!)

I like to ski and snowboard and work doing accounting at a ski resort in the winters, as well as at my university. I also like to sew and love Star Wars. I'm teaching my self Portuguese and really want to spend time in Brazil after I graduate this spring. I also like zombie movies/books even though they terrify me! I have a kind of random hodge podge of interests :)

This site has been so helpful and has thoroughly gotten me addicted me to Tamagotchis to the mismay of my wallet. Thanks to everyone on this site, it really is such a help!

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