Hello from an ancient Tama collector!


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Happily Candied

Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
Reaction score
Wisconsin, US
Hi all!

I'm Lauren and I've been long time Tama collector.

The Bird Feeder Knockout by Happily Candied, on Flickr

I picked up my first Tama when I was in 6th grade, back when Bandai released its first generation. It was a purple Tama with hot pink trim and, oh gosh, I loved it SO much. I took it with me everywhere! I still have it, along with its original box, and I hope to take photos of it sometime soon.

Since then, I've bought various Tamas on and off throughout the years. Now that I'm an adult (age 28) and my hobbies have expanded into all areas (dolls, vintage toys, books, video games, etc.), I spend my time switching between all my toy interests. I'm back into Tamas for the time being and, as always, I'm happy to be totally immersed in my viritual pets. ;)

I was super happy to finally find a dream Tama for me, a new in package chocolate chip cookie Version 5. I had been searching for one for over a year and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw one pop up on eBay last week! I talk about my journey to get this dream Tama on my blog.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Tamagotchi by Happily Candied, on Flickr

Random facts about me:

- I'm a professional product photographer and a doll customizer.

- My college degree is in English.

- I was a member of TamaTalk in 2008 under a different username.

- Most of my interests/hobbies include toys.

- I have two kitties and one Robo hammy.

- Tamas have consumed my life for almost two decades, ahhh!

- I love all things sweet and cute.

- I have a website: www.happilycandied.com

It's really great to be here again. I'm excited to see how the community has changed since I made my first account years ago. ^_^

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Welcome to TamaTalk! It's always nice to see people older than me join the forums XD

I love the pictures you take of your tamas! (I saw a few in another thread not long ago :p )

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Welcome to TamaTalk! It's always nice to see people older than me join the forums XD

I love the pictures you take of your tamas! (I saw a few in another thread not long ago :p )

Ooooh! Welcome back to Tamatalk!

It's lovely to know that you're back into tamas.

I'd love to see a picture of your tamas.

Nice to see members return! :D

Enjoy your stay ^_^
Thank you all for the warm welcomes. ^_^ It's great to be back here! I stopped in every now and then on my first account and I remember getting excited to see the forum design changing little by little as years went by. Most recently, it was cool coming back on a more permanent basis to see how fresh and user-friendly the latest forum layout is-- I love it!

A lot of my product photography work focuses on toys so finally capturing my Tamas through my lens was a BIG treat for me. :D I'll have to get all of my Tamas and other virtual pets together for a group shot sometime.

Welcome to Tamatalk :D i love seeing returning members :) And your photography is amazing :eek:

Welcome back...but if you were ancient, you would be 1,000 years old. :p
Haha. I think "ancient" is more relative with how I used it, haha. :p In terms Tama history, I'm definitely ancient!

Welcome to Tamatalk :D i love seeing returning members :) And your photography is amazing :eek:
Thank you so, so much. ^_^

Welcome back to TamaTalk. I like all your photos; they're amazing! :D
Thank you! I have fun with my work. It helps that a lot of the subjects and props are I use are so cute. ;)

Welcome to tamatalk! You're going to have an awesome time here ^_^

BTW, my name is Lauren too :D
Aw, cool! It's always fun coming across another Lauren. It happens all too often, haha. :lol: I had a great time in TamaTalk in '07 and '08, and I know things have only gotten better since then. It's already been a fun time!

Thanks for the welcome. <3

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Welcome back to TamaTalk :)

(I think I actually remember you from your first account here - I think you were active not long after I joined TamaTalk )!
Oh wow, that's awesome! Hearing that makes me really happy. I almost wish I would have just rebooted my old account instead of making a new one, but I'd forgotten the exact username I used until just recently. ^_^

Thanks so much for the welcome. <3

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Really, I love that photograph effects, especially the Tamagotchi V5 cookie picture! ^_^

Have a great time around here!



Really, I love that photograph effects, especially the Tamagotchi V5 cookie picture! ^_^

Have a great time around here!

Thanks much! The cookie photo has gone over well with communities online; I'm so happy people are enjoying it!

Photography is what I do for a living and I have fun with every single project. I have to admit that my personal photos of toys are my favorites though. ;)
