Hello from an old timer


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New member
Dec 26, 2015
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Just dropped by to check on the site that is near and dear to my heart. It's much quieter now than it was when I was active which makes me a little sad but I'm sure the friends I made on here ten years ago have moved on to bigger and better things in life (and hopefully have matured a lot since then - I know I have!)

I still remember creating a MASSIVE flame war, probably shortly after getting a feel for my way around and has my posting rights suspended by Tamamum. Somehow, after the uproar, some time, and a little bit of growing up I ended up being asked to become a Tamaguide which up to that point was probably my biggest accomplishment. My memory is pretty fuzzy from the ages of 12-15, but I will never forget the insane amount of hours I spent with other members discussing so many things about life and engaging in copious amounts of silliness. So much silliness. This community meant so much to me, especially as a young girl struggling with social ineptness and lacking a sense of belonging. I did end up leaving rather abruptly because I felt it was time to get out in the real world and get outside my social comfort zones and while I am so glad I did and haven't looked back since, TT will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Since leaving I was able to come our od my shell and develop strong relationships in the latter two years of high school, go to university and graduate with a degree in engineering, and being blessed with the friendship of so many incredible people along the way. I've also been able to travel to England and Qatar and live in China this past summer, which was always my dream.

So to any old timers which may come across this while reminiscing themselves, thank you. And to you youngins, enjoy your time here or whatever other online communities you choose to be a part of. as a piece of unsolicited advice, get out in the world and challenge your comfort zone; the growth is definitely worth the discomfort! Oh, and get off my lawn.

EDIT: Sorry for the typos. I'm on mobile and my phone doesnt like to let me select and change words!

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Hi there TWP - nice to see you posting :)

Good to hear things are going well for you!


PS Just for the record, it was Bell Sprout (not me) who suspended your posting rights after that massive flame war! :p

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I feel basically the same. Tamatalk had a pretty important role when I grew up, although I threw a tantrum on the forums once as well... :p

I'm still here though, and hopefully I can give on something of all that I got :D

I don't recognise you, so I get the feeling you were here some time before I came along. I know I joined after the greatest glory days of tamatalk (my account then was named lolokotchi), but I have also experienced quite some decree in activity. It's still a really nice place though.

Very welcome back!

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