Hello. Getting back into Tamas! (Sort of)


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Jun 19, 2018
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So I thought I should introduce myself.

After getting given the 20th anniversary mini that was recently released as a gift I decided to dig around for my old original Tamagotchi p2 (It's still working after 20 years?! What are these made of? lol.) and connexion V3 I'm finding a new appreciation for digital pets. Now I've found myself with a Mothra no Tamagotchi and will soon be getting a 20th anniversary Digimon Pendulum (always wanted a Digimon V-pet, loved the show but the v-pets had a very limited release here.) I'm probably going to leave my collection at that but who knows, I might even start a log of the pendulum if I get time.

So, uh, yeah! Hello!

Hey I would really like to see your pendulum in action I've always wanted one myself!

The newest tama I have aside for the Digimon 20th pendulum (does a re-release count?) is a connexion v3. The Mix does look interesting but when they get so large that they need AA batteries, they kinda get too chunky for me. I kinda prefer the older tamas as the newer ones seem to be more like a virtual child then a virtual pet. Not saying that is bad, just that they're not my thing (I have bad taste lol).

Of course! I totally knew that... Yup... Not lying >>;

Which of the newer Tamas are generally considered the best?

Color versions aren't really "large", they may look like that in photos but they're actually pretty small. They're barely larger than a connection. It's the english versions like Tama Go and Friends that get pretty large.

Also, it depends what you mean by "newer". If you're asking me, none of the latest releases are too spectacular- be it the anniversary re-releases or the ambudance of different M!Xes, and even before that 4U/4U+ aren't that great. But that's coming from someone who has experienced a vast majority of tamagotchi versions. P's is probably the best color version because of its versatility (by itself is good and fan-made content makes it even better), but it goes for about 100$- you can get it for cheaper but it requires dedicated looking.

Every connection is worth looking, both these before and after v3, and also Japanese ones. They're pretty much nothing like their english counterparts (I always point that out, because people assume that they're "just Japanese v. x's"- they're not!), so that's always something new to explore.

M!X isn't bad, it just... gets old quick. There's not a whole lot of content in it besides mixing.

A version I would reccomend to start with when it comes to color versions would be an iD L- they don't go for that much and are pretty good.

Nice, thank you for all the info! Basically newer then the connections is what I meant so you pretty much covered it. I had no idea the Japanese connections were different. Now I'm curious.

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Keitais and v3's might look very similar but actually keitais have less content, though they are unique and pretty fun on their own, very different from a v3 though, pretty sure that a lot of characters from v3 aren't even on there. And keitai akais have red pixels and a lot of new characters. Hanerutchi 1 is also pretty unique, and so is OdenKun.

UraTama and EnTama are kind of similar to v4,5 and v4 respectively, they do share most "key features", but they're all done really differently. And character growth works differently as well, there's a lot of extra characters on the Japanese ones as well, as well as the available items are different too.

Only exception are the FamiTama and v5, they're pretty much identical.

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