Hello! I am new here - I love Tamagotchi!


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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2013
Reaction score
New Jersey
Hey guys!

I've actually known about this forum for a while, and I've poked around as a guest, but never gathered up the courage to join. x3

I've been a collector on and off since Tamagotchis first came out in '97, and while I love Tamas, I also have a very special place in my heart for Tamagotchi "cousins".

I'm sure I'll be buying, trading, and selling a lot on here. I just hope I don't go broke...so many wonderful pets for sale...oohhh, I'm trying to be good. xD

If anyone's interested, here is my personal collection! --> https://underdogsora.livejournal.com/2787.html

I have 107 virtual pets of all kinds, and I love them all! (Well...some more than others...) xD

I'm also big into console gaming (especially Nintendo), art*, animals, and thrift stores/flea markets.

*here's my deviantart: https://nyaasu.deviantart.com

...Can't think of anything else to say! x3

I'm glad I finally joined, and...I hope to keep my buying and selling mostly evened out. xD

Thanks for having an awesome community set up for Tamagotchi lovers! :D

Welcome! We hope you enjoy the forums on TamaTalk, and have fun! Dont hesitate to ask anybody questions you may have. Enjoy your stay!


Welcome to TamaTalk! Wonderful collection. :) Glad you could join us! Hope you enjoy your time here!

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