Hello,i'm new :D


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Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
London, United Kingdom
Hello :lol: i'm Peter,i'm 14 years old and i'm from the UK,i have a tamagotchi connection and let me tell you they ROCK!!! i come online nearly everyday and hopefully be able 2 make some new friends from this wicked website :)

Hey Peter, welcome to the forums, so glad you found us and look foward to your posts!

My names Jonathan I am turning 14 soon and am from NewYork, i am waiting for the NewYork release (NOT THE AMERICAN RELEASE),

but if you want more on that and how people who live in newyork will be able to get the Connection's on the 10th instead of the 15th click here.

Heya Peter! Welcome :lol:

I'm Chloe, I live in the UK and I'm 14 in erm... 4 months!

What's your tama called?

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Hiya! Welcome to the boards!

My name is Lauren, but PLEASE call me Lozzie (I preffer that name! :lol: ) I'm 17 on the 3rd of September and I live in Wales with (at the moment) my family, one cat, one dog and loads of cyber pets!.

Nice to see you!

Cool! Blase doesn't go to sleep till 11pm. Cue is a kewl name anyway!!

No,no,no, i know that what do you think i'm a rookie i have been collecting since Gen1 :D ! what i ment was what did you want to name him, but you pushed enter and got stuck with Cue, what were you planning on naming him?

lol! Least you ended up with a name that made sense!

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