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Jan 3, 2006
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First of all, my name is Sarah and I have 2 v2 connections. And , I LOVE MEMETCHI! :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: I only got my (first) tamagotchi a few months ago. A few weeks later I got my second. They are both tropical fun collection. One is pink w/ flowers and the other is blue w/ a palm tree and surfboard. My friends have, one has 1 and a nano pet, one has 1 v1 and 1 v2, and another has 6 v2 connections. I think 2 is a good ammount, though! I need some help with fonts though, they aren't working! :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Hey I`m new also. Anyway this is one of the best places for information on tamagotchis. I`m sure someone else will reply eventually. :furawatchi:

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Hey gothicgirl and godzilla! I'm new here also! I got my tama in Oct, it was a boy and stayed alive till Jan 1. :gozarutchi: But I have a new little one named Shay, she's the cutest. I'm not sure what she is. But its a Connection Version 2. Its got flowers and sea shells around it and is pink!

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Hello, and welcome to TamaTalk, all of you! I hope you have a good time here, and if you need any help, feel free to PM(personal message) me! :gozarutchi:

you said you wanted some friends.... i'll be urs! :gozarutchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:

Hi, my name is Christy, and I'm very quite sweet

If you intend to be my friend, your really in for a treat

I try to help, the best I can

Or i'll cheer you on like an excited fan

Please be kind, oh please do

To this dear girl, who's awesomely new

She needs friends, please be one

So she will have lots of fun!

Hehe, did you like my poem? Anyways, my name is Christy (obviously) and I'll be your friend. =)

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