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pink vulpix

New member
Jan 13, 2006
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:blink: Im pink vulpix from tamafriends!more about me!Im a 9 year old gal who says wats on her mind....
Welcome to tamatalk!

(I wubs ur avvie)<-- I often get off topic

Well u will find new friends on here soon most of us r friendly :D

So uh....Yeah! Injoy ur time

(PM me if ya wanna b my friend!)


hello and welcome to tama talk! i hope u injoy ur self here and u will have a fun time here! lots of people would be gald to help u if u need any! and lots of people would love to be ur friend! just dont spam and dont be mean to people and youll have a great time here! hope to c ya around!

~anime girl~

p.s.: if u have any question pm me!

hi im also new here, i hope u find this place fun and exiting and get lotsa friend (i also hope i do to) :D

Hello Pink Vulpix. You already know me, but hello. I'm Crikeys, AKA the King of Pokemon. I hope you have a great time here, if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask me.

And if you are in need of a friend, feel free to PM me.

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